So they are in favor of open borders, presumably so that exotic Third World peasants can perform the labor to which they are noticeably averse. Of the 13 items on that “proposed list of demands,” Demand Four calls for “free college education,” and Demand Eleven returns to the theme, demanding debt forgiveness for all existing student loans.
Rick "Rot" Perry and Occupy Wall Street: même combat. Well, some tiny differences here and there, but the basic idea is the same: someone else must pick the tab.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
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Where's Romney in this constellation, guru? Seems that he's the trust fund mannikin that's done shit.
Done shit is right. Each attempt to see a doctor reminds me of that.
I admit that I thought that if post-office medicine could work anywhere, it would be in pinko fruit-ass Massachusetts.
I even thought that after knowing that in France it is a giant state abortion.
There's a conservation law here. Tough shit, old folks. Shoulda stayed in Texas where no one gives a shit about anything about your money.
Hey, Mr Rot -- you feel the urge to bring in Romney, no matter what the subject matter is. Maybe Mormons contradict the Parallel Postulate, or something?
Tecs: Rick "Rot" Perry and Occupy Wall Street: même combat.
Yes, Mr Rot? A => B: fine. But what does this have to do with not A => not B? As always, the finer points of Rotter Logick escape me.
Ignoring the usual Rotter non-sequiturs, let me get back to topic:
.. what we are seeing these days is that a four-year liberal-arts degree is completely non-essential. The only twentysomethings I know who are gainfully employed and living like men, with their own apartments, cars, and girlfriends, are in the building trades. [..] parents would tell junior that a four-year degree is off the table unless he knows exactly how he can use it.
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