Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupying Planet Pepe



Tecumseh said...

Like minds.

Charly said...

Nice rhetoric Tecs - he drank water, just like hitler.

Nazi/Commie perspective.

Mr roT said...

You ever seen a Russki drink water, Mandrake?

Mr roT said...

Of course. You?

Charly said...

less than i've seen some drink water.

Tecumseh said...

Nice rhetoric Tecs - he drank water, just like hitler.
Non-sequitur, Charly. There was no "rhetoric" in my post, just a link, to two letters: one by a some nazis, and one by some commies. With the comment: like minds. Which they are.

And this is not just rhetoric, or standard pinko "reduction ad Hitlerum". But rather, historical fact. Just read about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (if you haven't heard of it), between the Nazis and the Commies. It paved the way for the invasion of Poland, and the start of WW2.

So spare me the sanctimony, willya?

Arelcao Akleos said...

When you live as the Merovingian, you'll go down the River Charly as the Merovingian.

Charly said...

My, Tecs, your skills at whopping culcha out of wikipedia are impressive.

But if you had heard of the MR act prior to googling a wiki link, you would have known you were making a poor argument. The Hitler-Stalin alliance was one strictly of of convenience, not an ideological one. I am sure you can find convenient wiki links about how communists were treated under the 3rd Reich, and about how little trust there was between hitler & stalin.
To further convince yourself of that, you should ask google how long the the treaty lasted, you'll be absolutely amazed at the short duration.

Tecumseh said...

Pathetic response, Charly. First of all, I've known (in my bones) about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact since I was a little boy: you just don't grow up in Eastern Europe without knowing about the defining moment that started WWII, and gave the green light to both Hitler and Stalin to gobble up big chunks of EE.

Second, I can assure you that I know much more about Wiki, and how it works, than you ever did or ever will. More specifically, I did help edit that article, and many related ones -- something I'm 100% sure you would not have the wherewithal to do.

And finally, yes, I know about how WW2 evolved after that initial Nazi-Soviet pact, thanks. Eg, shortly after (in April-May 1940) the Commies massacred some 22,000 Polish prisoners of war at Katyn, while the nazis were perpetrating various atrocities in the part of Eastern Europe they had conquered as a result of the MR pact.

Les grands esprits se rencontrent, comme toujours.

Charly said...

and fyi:
Nice rhetoric Tecs - he drank water, just like hitler. - that's called sarcasm.
When you live as ..., you'll go down as... - that's called sanctimony. Or pontificating, your pick.

Charly said...

Tecs - you actually contributed to wiki ? You were able to actually find, click the edit button and opine ? That's terrific. Good luck with the knowledge in your bones, it's a great place to start.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Knowledge down to the Bone, or Ignorance down to the Bone? That's a no brainer choice for Planet Pepe.

Tecumseh said...

You evidently think this is some kind of sophisticated sarcasm you're employing, Charly mon pote, but you know, to me your infantile comments sound like the snarky, smirky repartees of a pretentious pseudo-intellectual, with little actual knowledge of history, or little actual ability to contribute something cogent to an encyclopedia such as wikipedia, or to make a semi-coherent comment on a blog such as this. Typical exemplar of the Gauche caviar.

Mr roT said...

snarky, smirky repartees of a pretentious pseudo-intellectual, ...

I thought those always ended with bullshit erudition like mon pote.

I stand corrected.

Charly said...

Tecs - not to pontificate but... in terms of publishing something authoritative.
At the top, there are peer-reviewed publications.
Then, there are editor-reviewed publications (think Deepak Chopra). Many of these are questionable.
And further below that, there is barely-reviewed wiki.

This has nothing to do with pinko-ism, 'mon pote'. It's just how it is. Now point me to your peer-reviewed history papers and I eat crow, but there is nothing snarky about not being impressed by contributions to what is little more than one's own personal journal on the web.

Charly said...

...and what evidence do you give of your position of authority on the matter ? You were a little boy in Eastern Europe (presumably not in those days). That's it.

Look out for my wiki article on wine-making, it just dawned on me that I am an expert by birth.

Mr roT said...

Yes, the peer-reviewed pubs are impossible to corrupt...

Charly said...

Hell no. Just that since the serious ones are still corruptible, it's reasonable to imagine what the others are like. You know that.

Funny this blog - it's pinko-fest all day but take one shot at your buddies and they cry like 16 year old girls with their boyfriend's finger up the butt for the first time.

Mr roT said...


Are we talking past each other? I know well that the peer - review process is one giant gay 69.

Charly said...

If that's true, then surely publishing in wiki is like having kayla and her sister pumping your nostrils.

Mr roT said...

Sound equally appealing.

Charly said...

Get Tecs to send the pics.

Mr roT said...

Fit on a floppy?

Charly said...

not if you want to make a quality large print from it. and I know you want that over your bed.

Tecumseh said...

Charly: I do happen to publish in peer-reviewed journals. You should try doing that one day. Perhaps you'll have more than a snowball's chance in hell. More likely, not.

As for wiki (1) you don't just write bullshit (like you and Rot are doing in this post), you actually need to quote reliable sources; and (2) there is a review process of sorts, with scads of other editors watching pretty much anything you write there. Again, with your iffy writing skills and your shaky knowledge of stuff, I very much doubt you could make a few edits at wiki without being immediately reverted by other editors.

Life is bitch, old chap.

Mr roT said...

If only you'd send her. Instead you show up dressed like a delivery boy and the only package is in your pants.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, Charly is in good journals about real science, not the circlejerks we fool around in.

Tecumseh said...

Hmmm.. If this indeed happened, it must have been in the Paleolithic. In real science, it's like, what theorem have you proven lately? Publish or perish, they say. For a reason.

If you don't constantly exercise those neurons, and let those synapses fire coherent thoughts backed up by facts and logic, you pretty soon get flabby -- figuratively speaking, of course.

Charly said...

with your iffy writing skills (...) Life is bitch

Tecs, me understand it in eastern european bones to omitting indeterminate article. still not not good english write skill.

Mr roT said...

Charly waxes poetic about the bones d'antan...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Charly: "Look out for my wiki article on wine-making, it just dawned on me that I am an expert by birth."

You are too modest. Your expertise by birth dawned on you at least before the birth of FCP.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Charles Le Malign: "with your iffy writing skills (...) Life is bitch"

That would makes Charles Ms. Life.

Tecumseh said...

Charly: the first lesson in snarky sarcasm is that it should have some kind of plausible zing to it in order to have a prayer of chance to have some effect. Your flaccid attempt at picking on my writing skills misses by a mile.

Next time you publish something, anything, in English, send me a link. I'll be glad to proofread your next attempt at putting a grammatical sentence together.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Charly needs no stinking grammar in his Life.

Mr roT said...

Seems that the dogs bark...

Charly said...

Thanks Tecs but no need to trouble yourself: I don't think I'll have much difficulty finding someone around here at least as qualified to do so.

Tecumseh said...

What about the dogs, Mr Rot? Were you trying to write a complete sentence, and quit in midstream, exhausted by the effort?

Charly said...

He means "Le chien aboie, la caravane passe".
Or maybe it's the DT.

Mr roT said...

Heteronormative French caravans that Pepe would mention?

LSD on sale over there?

Charly said...

We don't do heteronormative here. Try Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Mr roT said...
