Saturday, August 25, 2012

News: Obama not Jesus.


Mr roT said...

OK, a split Jeroboam it should be. But speaking of Jeroboams, it should be capitalized and so you owe me a Nebuchadnezzar or Melchizedek.

Tecumseh said...

The king's name (Jeroboam) is capitalized, but the eponymous type of wine bottle (jeroboam) is not capitalized.

Just sayin'.

Mr roT said...

Sheer barbarity, Tecs. I bet that you write the MKS unit of force is the "newton" rather than the "Newton."
Just foolin'. I know that you /CDers don't know what a force is except for a few dullard referees or editors on your side at a journal.

Tecumseh said...

I know enough about forces to tell when you're spinning like a top, pretending you don't know you owe a jeroboam or two, big time.

Mr roT said...

In a negative universe, what you say is true. I choose to live in the one we were both born in, which apparently includes tracts in Romania, and leave the other to Capt. Kirk and company.
Pay up or set me up with the green alien chick that James T. bags.