Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Of course, Tecs thinks PDEs are for pedes.


Tecumseh said...

Man, you missing a whole bunch of accent aigus in your title. Besides, what the heck do PDEs have to do with a spacecraft landing on Mars? It's all Newtonian mechanics, taught in high-school Calc 101.

Mr roT said...

No accents, Tecs!
Also, aerodynamics is all nonlinear PDE at supersonic region and reentry is damned fast.

Tecumseh said...

That was the page for Estonian and Portuguese. You need to click on the wiki page for French, which is the language you were obviously trying to use.

Tecumseh said...

Aerodynamics: are you talking about the blown flap? In that case, here is a bit of history that you should know about:

Development of the general concept continued at NASA in the 1950s and 60s, leading to simplified systems with similar performance. The externally-blown flap arranges the engine to blow across the flaps at the rear of the wing. Some of the jet exhaust is deflected downward directly by the flap, while additional air travels through the slots in the flap and follows the outer edge due to the Coandă effect. The similar upper-surface blowing system arranges the engines over the wing and relies completely on the Coandă effect to redirect the airflow.

Mr roT said...

Tecs is right.

Tecumseh said...

I'm always right. Duh.