Sunday, August 05, 2012

Tecs blows his lines and says "poor shitheads" instead of "noble savages". Hilarity ensues.

I think that they should write,"Israel's culture of entrepreneurship and success versus the Palis' culture of dependency and terrorism." Of course, Tecs and AA think of Jews as being the ur-democrats.


Mr roT said...

They will have to realize that the politics and policies of resentment and envy do not create a single job, start a single business, or add a single dinar of wealth.
Shit! Obama could stand to learn that counterintuitive concept.

Tecumseh said...

It's a complicated concept to grasp. You need to write a book explaining it, Mr Rot.

Mr roT said...

I think Uncle Milty Friedman wrote it. Of course, I could improve on that hack-job typing on the toilet.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, at least you could scheit better.