Sunday, September 02, 2012

1400 Years, O Caliph, But Worth Every One to Solve Such a Problem

A Small Step for Ummah, A Day of Glory for Momo


Tecumseh said...

A sad day for most everyone. Seriously, now, do you think Pepe still ululates at this extinction (in his usual Pavlovian default mode), or do you think there is a glimmer of realization in his hind brain that perhaps--just perhaps--he's been down the River Charly for far too long? Nah. The inertia of pinko shibboleths is stronger than any other conceivable force.

Arelcao Akleos said...

If a glimmer of that realization has lit his eye he has said nothing whatsoever to indicate that.
The evidence of absence is evidence of absence; which tautology has a 1% chance of percolating through the labrynth of Logick Pepeana

Mr roT said...

The French already high-tailed out long ago, so what does Pepe care?
A missed opportunity to run from battle is all this represents to François, There will be plenty more.

Tecumseh said...

VDH kind of despondent about the Middle East.

Tecumseh said...

Not complicit? What is this supposed to mean?

Mr roT said...

VDH parrots Arianna Huffington:

After the Gulf War of 2003, there was widespread new anger about the use of American arms to force-feed democracy down the throat of Iraq.

I told you guys that VDH is an incontinent loose-cannon seether and therefore unstable and untrustworthy.

Read your copy of the Nicomachean Ethics (as if you frother brothers would own even the Cliffs Notes) before choosing your next spit-spattered seer-preacher.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"The usual Arab complaint against the United States during the Cold War was that it supported anti-communist authoritarians in the oil-rich Gulf and ignored democratic reform. After the 1991 Gulf War, the next charge was that America fought Saddam Hussein only to free an oil-rich, pro-American monarchy in Kuwait, without any interest in helping reformists in either Kuwait or Iraq.

After the Gulf War of 2003, there was widespread new anger about the use of American arms to force-feed democracy down the throat of Iraq. Finally, during the 2011 Arab Spring, the Arab world charged that the United States was too tardy in offering political support for insurgents in Egypt and Tunisia, and again late in “leading from behind” in helping European nations remove Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy. Now the Arab world is hectoring America to help overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Let’s get this all straight. America has been damned for its Machiavellian shenanigans in supporting authoritarian governments; for its naive idealism in using force to implant democracies; for its ambivalence in not using force to protect democratic protestors; and for its recent isolationism in ignoring ongoing Arab violence. Why, then, bother?"

If Herr Rott would read his Aristotle with a smidgeon of wakefulness he would learn that just because an author reports the views of those he is discussing does not in any way imply that the author shares those views.

The spit-spattered Cliff Notes available to the seether-preacher in Wien lie incontinent within the loose-cannon bowels of the 14th Floor.

Tecumseh said...

Reading is essential, Mr Rot. For whatever reason, when you read a piece by Andy McCarthy (and, more recently, by VD Hanson), you let your prejudices against these guys get the better of you, and you lose track of the ball.

An article is an article. You should try to read it like you read math or something. Just try to follow the logic -- such as it is -- and see if it makes sense. At least, that's how I approach things.

Mr roT said...

that's how I approach things. Oooh, Tecs! Tell us how to be just like you and open our minds to bullshit points of view and directions of inquiry like algebra.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Somewhere in a dim recess of Herr Rott's "Palace of Memory" there is a courtyard in which is told the tale of that One Terrible Day with a killer dame named Algebra.....and although Herr Rott may seek to forget, he can never forgive.

Mr roT said...

AA at the level of al-Jibberish.

Arelcao Akleos said...

If the Rotter's "Palace of Memory" had better illumination, he'd see that it is Al-Jib-British