Thursday, September 06, 2012

What it's like to have Tecs for an advisor.


Tecumseh said...

You calling me a Rino?

Mr roT said...

Tecs, who gives a shit what that fatass says? This pinko is a lot more interesting to watch.
Duh. VCP!

Mr roT said...

And if you see the president before I do, give him a puke for Mr. roT!

Mr roT said...

Krauthammer strangely sotto voce, I think. He can rail rationally, so why should he limit himself to criticizing Scro's window dressing? It's always been vapid feel-good bullshit spoken while looking upward from horizontal 20°.

Tecumseh said...

It's an art form Mr Rot. You're being jealous?

Tecumseh said...

Charly emoting.

Mr roT said...

It's an art form Mr Rot. You're being jealous?

Usually, accustomed as I am to your and AA's brand of thinking, I am surprised that there's anyone as smart as myself, Krauthammer, and Burke on the right. For Krauthammer ipse to mail one in inferior to my best abilities is disappointing, of course.

To put it in terms more familiar to yours, it's as if Béla Bartók dropped his Rumanian music interest and took to covering K.C. and the Sunshine Band "disco music."

Mr roT said...

In China… Obama saved 2 billion jobs!