Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hey, Fat-Ass...

How does America deal with this? You'll notice in your post-WWII neighborhoods (anywhere in America) that the yards and driveways are bigger, a sign of the automotive culture that literaly exploded after cease-fire and surrender. About six decades later (with massive Uber-Walmart parking lots a part of the suburban landscape) it was very apparent that American asses had exploded too (not to mention articles documenting France getting fat too). Now our meals are being referred to as numbers (calories, grams of protein, etc.) rather than entrees or dishes.

...maybe time to take the whopper away from your mouth, America. Or maybe just don't think it's necessary to finish the entire thing.


Mr roT said...

Was this about global warming or obesity? I get those two emergencies mixed up.

My Frontier Thesis said...

GUT: It's about how fat cows (women or bovines) are farting too much and causing the ice caps to melt.