Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Architectural-Historical Trend Alert...

Some time ago JJ posted some type of Best Buildings in America survey (Link). Yes, Witold Rybczynski owes JJ a Fullers or an Arrogant Bastard. I'll send him an e-mail. Here's Rybczynski's recent piece about the new "signature" buildings that seem to be sweeping the American Metropolis.

Note: I picked up Virginia & Lee McAlester, A Field Guide to American Houses (Knopf, 1984) recently, and it's top-notch as far as finding and being able to contextualize your particular dwelling in post-Columbian American (I suppose even Canadian) history. Lots of good pics that help to identify your own abode, all without having to hassle the city, county or state historical society.


Mr roT said...

this list is too politicized. where's Trinity Church, Boston? The masterpieces of Charles McKim, H H Richardson, F L Wright,... are way down the list.
WTC on the list? Gimme a break. Those were awful.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes, the list is bizarre. And population intensity does play into it as well.

Take a peek at McAlester's book sometime.