Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yer doin' a great job, gonzi


My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, why do you make fun of Gonzales? You some sort of anti-Hispanic bigot?

Tecumseh said...

With Mr. Bush traveling in Mexico, the White House insisted that the president’s role had been minimal and laid the blame primarily on Harriet E. Miers, who was White House counsel when the prosecutors lost their jobs and who stepped down in January.

“The White House did not play a specific role in the list of the seven U.S. attorneys,” said Dan Bartlett, Mr. Bush’s counselor, referring to a Justice Department roster of those to be dismissed. But he said the White House, through Ms. Miers’s office, ultimately “signed off on the list.”

Hey, wasn't she the one JJ was pushing for as a Supreeme? Methinks the right-wingers did a service to W (and to all of us, actually) by clamoring she step down. Alito was the much better choice. Where's my VC, JJ?

Tecumseh said...

MFT asks: Pepe, why do you make fun of Gonzales? You some sort of anti-Hispanic bigot?

Ah, but don't you see? Part of the beauty of being a confirmed pinko-leftie is that one gets automatically a teflon coating from any and all such possible criticism, so one can say and do anything (well, almost), as long as one glorifies the shibboleths of the Left. Actually, my pet theory is that's precisely why most Lefties (and certainly 99% of the Hollywood airheads) subscribe to the Socialist/Liberal/Commie/Progressive/whatever label.

Pepe le Pew said...

You some sort of anti-Hispanic bigot?

Yes, especially the mexicans, and particularly those of mexican origins on this board.

Pepe le Pew said...

the White House insisted that the president’s role had been minimal and laid the blame primarily on Harriet E. Miers
Is that tantamount to blaming the dead ?

Tecumseh said...

Pepe: Origin is singular. Just a thought.

Mr roT said...

Mexican board members? Where's my cielo de vidrio? Pinches putos de mierda.