Monday, February 02, 2009

Gitmo blues

Col. Pohl refused, specifically, to delay the Feb. 9 arraignment of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri -- accused Saudi master-planner of the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 American sailors and a cause célèbre for the American Civil Liberties Union [which] declared that the judge's ruling was the work of "Bush hangers-on in the Defense Department." Yet another cuddly Binnie Boy persecuted by the evil Bushitlerites. Quick, Pepe, set him free!

The pinkos portray the war on terror as an illicit enterprise, conducted by agents of government bent on robbing innocent Americans of their constitutional rights and instilling baseless fears -- and that has succeeded, with the invaluable aid of a like-minded quarter of the media, in presenting a picture of Guantanamo as a hell on earth akin to Auschwitz. Those trumpeting declarations to the world that new leadership had now come to the United States, that we were now a nation worthy of the world's trust -- those speeches suggesting that after years of darkness America had now been rescued, just barely, from the abyss -- will be in the end this president's Achilles' heel. We'll see. In the meantime, this sort of rhetoric is manna from heaven for Pepe, MoveOn, Chavez, Ahmadinejad & Co.


Mr roT said...

VCP blues, buster. Pay up!

Anonymous said...

It may be manna for the wacked out liberals but its hell for us. We are sick and tired of seeing our sons killers go free time and time again. I was hoping for better herein America, than in Yemen. But liberals rule now. God help us.