A. K. A. Loose Canon
it vindicates the surge and the entire idea of Iraq as capable of having a real democracy.on the contrary - it shows iraqis behave now that obama is running the show.
Bhawhawhahhwah! You are a real comic, aren't you, Pepe? Do you really believe in your own "logic", or is this just a vaudeville act?
Right. The whole world steps into line now that Obama is in charge.
Europe does - why not the middle east ? you tar & feathered the clown, act civilized, others lock in step.
Perhaps you recall that the Iraqis ran an election a while back while the security situation had not yet been pacified (by St Obama the surger, no doubt)...Pre hoc ergo propter hoc is even worse than your usual cartesianeity.
O Lord, forgive them for they eyes are closed and they will not see the Light. Pepeculius: 1:24
Pepe cul? Awful, but popular.
Contra principia negantem disputari non potest.
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it vindicates the surge and the entire idea of Iraq as capable of having a real democracy.
on the contrary - it shows iraqis behave now that obama is running the show.
Bhawhawhahhwah! You are a real comic, aren't you, Pepe? Do you really believe in your own "logic", or is this just a vaudeville act?
Right. The whole world steps into line now that Obama is in charge.
Europe does - why not the middle east ? you tar & feathered the clown, act civilized, others lock in step.
Perhaps you recall that the Iraqis ran an election a while back while the security situation had not yet been pacified (by St Obama the surger, no doubt)...
Pre hoc ergo propter hoc is even worse than your usual cartesianeity.
O Lord, forgive them for they eyes are closed and they will not see the Light. Pepeculius: 1:24
Pepe cul? Awful, but popular.
Contra principia negantem disputari non potest.
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