Thursday, February 19, 2009

Steyn on that islamohysterophobia stuff again


Tecumseh said...

The road chosen by the parties on the Left permits no return. Faustus is waiting.

Tecumseh said...

Shyster channels Pepe: "Culture, religion doesn't play a role," said defense attorney James Harrington, reacting to speculation that the crime may have been an "honor killing." Sure, Pepe, sure.

Mr roT said...

But they're being contradicted by experts. What do you make of that?

Who to believe?

Do we just buy into these hysterical islamohysterophobes or do we listen to Pepe's calm, reasoned discourse like that of Al Gore and the global warmists?

Pepe le Pew said...

what do you mean Tec - I've said a thousand times religion is the source of most evil in the world. Where we disagree is that you believe it is confined to the wackos.

Tecumseh said...

As usual, Pepe, you raise a strawman, or bring a red herring, or both. What do you mean by, "you believe it [religion] is confined to the wackos"? Of course there are millions or even billions of religious people who are not wackos. Proof by existence: The Pope. Your lack of cartesian logic is staggering, Le Pew.