Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Steyn pisses on the chelou beheading party


Pepe le Pew said...

Domestic violence is despicable, and Islam condones it in no way whatever," Qazi told the Post, adding murders are committed every day in the U.S. by people of all faiths

Sounds like Bush explaining the US doesn't torture.

Mr roT said...

But now that you pinkos elected Bambi, we'll just hand the guys we think are bad to Egypt in good conscience.

Whew! I was afraid that would be a tough moral issue.

Tecumseh said...

Very good piece by Steyn -- he's back at the top of his form! But this is like parading pearls before swine with Pepe -- he'll never get even 1% of it. The closing of the Pepean mind is hermetically done.

Pepe le Pew said...

Funny hat you don't see the analogy here - it's a carbon copy.

Tecumseh said...

What's the analogy? Bush=head hacker? Only a totally warped pinko mind can find such an analogy.

The Darkroom said...

The analogy is tat the wackos claim they respect women's right, just as quickly as bush says the US doesn't torture. Both are ludicrous.

Tecumseh said...

Do you think Pepe would have an easier time grasping Aristotelian logic than Cartesian logic? Not.

Tecumseh said...

You don't say!