Tuesday, January 18, 2011

AA high on the hog


Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, if only I was a Boston school teacher. Out here in the hinterlands, where even a Tea Partier or two may be espied, the admins keep our wages as low as they keep high the crapola heaped on us. Apparently, "rube" and "serf' are interchangeable notions to the functionaries of Versailles.

Tecumseh said...

So move to Beantown, already.

Mr roT said...

The average salary for a Boston teacher is $79,415. The state average is $67,577. Boston teachers work fewer hours in the course of a year than teachers throughout the country, the foundation said.


Arelcao Akleos said...

"So move to Beantown, already"

Tecumseh, have you met the ball and chain?