Friday, January 14, 2011

The al-Qasbi show

[[Added image. My feeling is that all pop-culture posts should have a babe, relevant if possible. --roT]]


Tecumseh said...

OK, let's go with der Rotter prinziple. But then, should n't we go the AA route, and insist on a tits display?

Tecumseh said...

Lately, your images are too big, too. Not nearly as big as AA's, but still, I need to crop them down to optimal size.

Mr roT said...

That's not cropping that you're doing, Tecs. It's scaling. And you should not have scaled Lisa. She was just fine bigger.

Mr roT said...

Make that 2 VCPs.

Tecumseh said...

Cropping, scaling -- Minsk, Pinsk.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Shouldn't the scaling for Katie Couric go in a different direction than for, say, Anna Chapman? Where's nuance in your sophistication when you need it, comrades?

Mr roT said...

Scaling is a kind of triangle or something you do to fish?

Tecumseh said...

Aah, that latex-clad Anna. No ifs and butts there.