Friday, January 14, 2011

The enemy is us

Of course AA is all about the unscrubbed and how they're the real Americans.
More shit.


Tecumseh said...

First there was the professor with Mexican roots who spent 10 minutes talking about himself and then rushed through the Native American blessing he was supposed to be delivering.

There was the twinkly student-body president praising the heroic savior of Gabby Giffords for having fetched her (the student-body president) many cups of coffee during late-night working sessions.

Worst of all, there was the crowd, which bubbled over with excitement and enthusiasm. The tone of the event came to resemble a pep rally, no matter the monstrous fact of the six dead and the many injured.

AA: Rot has a point. Once in a while (like, once in a blue moon), after much flailing about, he hits the nail on the head. Now, does this mean he should have a hoppy pint? Nah.

Mr roT said...

Damn! Missed out on a free Harpoon.

Tecumseh said...

Better than nuttin'.

Mr roT said...

You missed something, as usual, AA. This is not the goddamned kaffee klatsch, this is a bunch of red-staters out in public acting like a funeral with the POTUS (such as we have now) is some kind of a goddamned pep rally.

That's not just the Fac Club. It's the general public in flyoverland.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Oh you Idioten. It was a bunch of blue staters stuck in a red state celebrating their Capo as if a memorial is just another chance to wish they were in San Fran. It ain't nothing new with Planet Pepeteers, just think of the memorial for Sen. Wellstone a few years ago.
Pepe's Arizona Boyz have as much to do with the Tea Party there as a Tea Party meeting here on Lexington Green has to do with the meeting of the Harvard Lesbian's for Shaira.

Mr roT said...

BTW, learn use of the apostrophe. Your spelling is also pretty goddamned public school.

Arelcao Akleos said...

In Arizona, the Pepeans pour salsa verde over their tofu. In homage to being Green, of course.

Mr roT said...

Soy- lent Green, I guess you mean.

Tecumseh said...

All right, maybe I hastened to give some credit to Rot. After all, I've picked on him so many times, that I feel kind of guilty, maybe I should lower the bar now and then, praise his astuteness, promise a warm Harpoon, whatevah it takes to prime back up his bruised ego.

C'mon, AA, try and do the same now and then. For the sake of peace and harmony. Kumbaya!

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, I praised a title of his yesterday. Does that count?