Saturday, January 08, 2011

Maß-Verkleinerung auf reflektierenden Oberflächen

From " Mathematica Rotterdae"


Mr roT said...

There will be no more narcissists or paranoids by 2013—at least not officially.

Scrobama's cured!

Tecumseh said...

Either clusterfuck or getting rid of dimensions? Neither \CDs nor \lesssims, just all made up. Statistica da puta, indeed.

C'mon, AA, you gotta come up with something better. Think, think.

Arelcao Akleos said...

There's Data Mining, where you get to dig and dab data with da pretty colors of da rainbow.

The more statistics is based on the computer, rather than mathematical analysis of the probabilistic structure of what is being investigated, the more it becomes a Little Disney Wonderland of Amusements and Illusions.

Just think of the modus operandi of the whole sick sordid statistical butchering "Global Warming" crowd.

As for my having the time for thinking anymore, talk to my friend Mr. Jim Beam.

Mr roT said...

Jim's good company in times like these, AA.