Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pinko douche wunderkind schools Palin

He tells her how she might've profited from Tucson. Or does he? Maybe he is just trying to profit from Tucson.


Tecumseh said...

Ham on Pepea: To call these people political ambulance chasers would be an insult to the comparatively sensitive men and women who populate the commercial breaks on “Judge Judy.”

Mr roT said...

Ezra is really stoopid.

Tecumseh said...

Rot tries his hand at pop-psychology: “He would ask me constantly, ‘Do you see that blue tree over there?’ He would admit to seeing the sky as orange and the grass as blue,” Mr. Gutierrez said. “Normal people don’t talk about that stuff.”

No shit.

Mr roT said...

US government workin for US citizens, eh, Tecs?

How come the cops didn't bring this guy in for a look?