Monday, January 17, 2011

Rub-a-dub-dub with Ruby Rubacuori

Exit question: what's concupiscent palpations?


Mr roT said...

Where's the obscurantism label? (From Pepe)

Tecumseh said...

You may as well ask, where is the "Oh my my sharia" label.

Tecumseh said...

From a caption in the text: Moroccan runaway: Miss El Mahroug, linked with Silvio Berlusconi, is in Italy illegally. Deport them all, says Rot.

Mr roT said...

cute girls can always move in.

Tecumseh said...

You just put your finger on a solitary point of agreement between the two of us. I wonder where AA stands on this.

Mr roT said...

AA is seething about it from all angles. I see a problem though. I mean, this is a pop-culture post, and so you put up a picture of a chick, ok fine, but we're up to 6 comments now and I think it's time for another one.

Preferably one in the US illegally and cute, so as to rub your nose in your newfound, roT-inspired good-sense (figuratively).

Tecumseh said...

You are too Americano-centric, Herr Rot--that's your problem. We was talking about this Berlu chick (that's her photo, cropped, but not scaled by moi), not about AZ or whatevah. Try to concentrate on the topic at hand, and not lose sight of the fact that this is a wider world.