In reductio ad nauseum, the lecturer's aim is to get everyone in the class asleep and not taking notes. The lecturer then has only to clean the blackboard and announce, "Thus we arrive at a contradiction, and the result is established."
I can just picture Herr Doktor Rot doing this gig at the board. Especially with \lesssims.
VDH should have some Classical olive oil in his diet.
He might be less constipated and accept generalized proofs.
What's a "generalized proof"?
Have to teach you Math 101 now.
In reductio ad nauseum, the lecturer's aim is to get everyone in the class asleep and not taking notes. The lecturer then has only to clean the blackboard and announce, "Thus we arrive at a contradiction, and the result is established."
I can just picture Herr Doktor Rot doing this gig at the board. Especially with \lesssims.
Read a paper or two of mine...
You wake up at \qedsymbol.
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