Tuesday, August 02, 2011

America? Mord. The Constitution? Dead

So let's get this straight:
The Republicans "craft" a "compromise" with Obamakles' where:
[a] The US Debt is immediately guaranteed to go up by near 3 more Trillion, potentially as much as 7 more Trillion.
[b] Obamakles gets to water his allies with funds throughout the election, while the American people are in turn to be compensated by "cuts" promised at a tune of just under a trillion scattered through the next decade.
[c] Oh, yeah, this is after the "baseline increases", which the Super Dem Congress of 1974 installed to make guaranteed government growth fundamentally impervious to whatever the people might want in the future. So the bandaid is applied after more gallons of blood have pumped out of the dying Yank.
[d] A mechanism is instituted "The Super Congress" to allow a committee of the appointed elite to dictate legislation, without the need for Congressmen to have to vote and be held responsible for the legislation as Constitutionally set out by the House and the Senate.
[e] This mechanism is simply declared, by fiat, to be Constitutional by the DC Versailleans. I guess they dare anyone who cares to contest it in court to go ahead and meet the Obamaklean judiciary up there on the Potomac. Certainly no need whatsoever to mention this to the American people before the fact, nevermind actually follow the Constitution and try to set this up via a Constitutional Amendment.
[f] Rotter glories at the wisdom of it all, the Pepeans ululate over the glory of it all, and I get put on the Terrorist list by our Vice President.

.... It's the triumph of evil, as simple and as awful as that.


Tecumseh said...

Hey, AA -- let's drown our sorrows in vinho verde, and try to regain our fortitude with some judiciously cooked bacalhau. And blame it all on Der Rotter -- who else?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes.... drowning will be the theme of the day.

we could blame it on Pepe, as well as Herr Rott. One is the Wien, the Other is the P....

Tecumseh said...

And, by the way, where is the "Article $n$, Section $m$ never applies, says Rot" label. Now, more than ever, that label applies.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hmmm more labels..ok,