Monday, August 01, 2011

From Paradise to Parasite

....for once the Commie bastard may be right.

But then it's the parasite created by the United Front the Commie Bastards built here...


Tecumseh said...

The irony is exquisite. Well, if you're somehow detached of it all.

Mr roT said...

Putin was never a commie like Obama.

Tecumseh said...

Not even when he was stationed in Dresden?

Mr roT said...

He was into authority. Now he's into the reset button that he and Hussein worked out (with Scott Brown's help).

Tecumseh said...

I thought the reset button was pressed by Hillary in early 2009, at which time Scottie was still trucking around Weymouth (or was it Walpole?)

Herr Rot, you got all history all wrong. As usual.