Friday, August 05, 2011

I think Tecs and AA will call any such development unconstitutional, but what the heck?


Tecumseh said...

Where is the "ouzo" label?

Hey, man, I got a hole in the wall next to the shower! Crap--all that water I keep spraying when showering got behind the tiles, and melted the wall. What should I do??

Arelcao Akleos said...

What the heck. Constitutions are just fancy toilet paper by which the Lords of Versailles can wipe the shit from their butts and so have some sport with the those silly stinking peasants who aspired to a Republic.
After all, Kayla doesn't seem to mind a meter or two of dirigisme up the cou.

This "Super Committee" will neither seriously attempt to control the national debt nor provide a means for reasoned or transparent or effecgtive debate as to how that could be achieved. It will, of course, allow the "mandarins for life" wannabes in Congress to suck from silver goblets while being held responsible for nothing but how nicely they toe The One Party Line.
It nicely makes the "Representation of the People" job about as beneficial to the nation as Roman Senators fornicating with catamites during court orgies were to Rome....
....not that our "Representatives" are not already indulging in such measured practice of their duties.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Did you go to Home Depot yet?

Tecumseh, this may well require rebuilding that wall [after you've made sure you know the full extent of the water damage].

I guess in the meantime you could put a plastic tarp over the wall, to stop more water from going there?

By the way, are you sure the piping is ok?

Tecumseh said...

The more I dug into that wall, the more it crumbled. Idiots who put it there used cheapo 1/4 inch drywall. It all got wet and wobbly and crumbly over the years. Now the shit hit the fan. It tends to do that just before I leave. A few years ago, water got in there and then leaked down one floor, in the coat closet, where it ruined my hat. This happened just a couple of hours before I was going to the airport, to go to Rome. Darn! But then, I didn't do anything serious, just papered it over, and put some spackle in between tiles.

I did follow your advice, AA, and went to Home Depot. Got some stuff to patch things over short term, but the guy there seemed to think I better take the whole shenbang down, and put a new wall (they make much better materials nowadays), and new tiles (I hate the pink ones I have now, inherited when I bought the house). I'll sleep on it. We should compare notes on house woes--one thing I never figured out is how to deal with contractors. Despite my efforts over the years, no matter what I do, I end up being ripped off, with a sub-standard work done.