Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Of course, Rot will stand up for Guaman

Guaman had been arrested three times since 2007 for driving without a license in Milford, Uxbridge and Attleboro. The Attleboro charge was dismissed. Guaman also served one year of probation from May 2008 to May 2009 for charges that included assault and battery on a police officer and assault on a firefighter after a 2008 incident. [..] "As Worcester County Sheriff I want to be emphatically clear that if the Secure Communities Act was already in place, a criminal alien such as Nicholas Guaman with a prior arrest record could have been identified by the Department of Homeland Security and ICE giving them the opportunity to deport Mr. Guaman in advance of this horrific crime on Aug. 20," Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis said in a statement.

But of course, Massachusetts refuses to share info on illegal immigrants with ICE: Governor Patrick has stated repeatedly that he needs to study the program further before allowing other local law enforcement agencies to participate. His secretary of public safety and security, Mary Beth Heffernan, has expressed concern that Secure Communities might result in the arrest and removal of illegal aliens who have committed lesser offenses, such as burglary, drunk driving, domestic violence, or gang-related misdemeanors.


Mr roT said...

this horrific crime ?

Did I miss something or is DWI now a horrific crime? Perhaps accidents are capital crimes?

I hope there's a statute of limitations on the DWI thing, man...

Tecumseh said...

Guaman killed a man. That's a crime.

a 23-year-old young man named Matthew Denice screamed in anguish as his body was ripped apart beneath a truck; how the victim was still alive when an illegal immigrant driver allegedly backed over him as he fled the police; how the accused killer, Nicolas Guaman, merely shrugged at the police after being arrested.

But no, no, no, says Deval, channeling Mr Rot. It's just a pesky misdemeanor.

Mr roT said...

In Tecsworld, reverse is a felony.
Fortunately, neutral is only a misdemeanor.

Idling carries the death penalty, of course.

Tecumseh said...

Hitting a man with your car, then dragging him along while he screams blood-curdingly, begging for his life, and finally backing over him, and fleeing is a horrible crime in my book. Exactly like the relatives of the dead young man say.

And by not enforcing the law (the Secure Communities Act), and thus creating the conditions for this crime to occur, the Governor is potentially liable.

But of course, he was just following Rotter Logick, so that's OK.

Mr roT said...

He's trying to get Obama reelected or something.

I didn't read any details past Muamar's drunk driving or whatever. Either way, it should be jail or lethal injection, not deportation.

Tecumseh said...

Mr Rot keeps good company: Right now the pols are fighting over a proposal to round up illegals such as Guaman before they kill. It’s called Secure Communities. You can figure out where the top hacks stand. Gov. Deval Patrick would prefer to give them free tuition to state colleges. Mayor Mumbles Menino recently pronounced that car theft by an illegal alien was not a crime worthy of deportation. And of course there’s Attorney General Marsha Coakley’s famous quote: “Technically, it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

Tecumseh said...

It's too late for deportation -- the guy committed murder. Don't care if he was drunk--he knew what he was doing when he backed up with his truck, squashing Matthew Denice like a bug underneath (the man was still alive when that happened).

But of course, there is no death penalty in Mass. And pinko shysters will make sure he only gets a slap on the wrist, for DWI or felony or whatever you claim -- anything but murder.

Mr roT said...

Accidents are not a horrific crime, OK?

Tecumseh said...

This was no accident, but murder. And wholly preventable, if you buddies Patrick & Coakley had enforced the law, and deported the killer before he could do the deed.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Second degree murder, to be more precise:

It's enough to know that if he had stopped after hitting Matthew's motorcycle, the 23-year-old man who recently graduated from Framingham State may still be with us. It's enough to know that when the homicide ended a quarter-mile away, the driver had the presence of mind to try to run away.
What happened doesn't fit the circumstances most of us consider "vehicular homicide" - a death inadvertently caused by a driver whose brakes failed or who swerved to avoid a dog in the road. What happened sounds more like second-degree murder, "not premeditated" against a specific victim, but definitely an "assault in which death of the victim was a distinct possibility."

Whitewashing this crime is not doing justice to the victim.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"I didn't read any details past Muamar's drunk driving or whatever."

Well, it was obvious you hadn't bothered to read the details.

"Either way, it should be jail or lethal injection, not deportation."

Uh, no. It should be jail and deportation.

Mr roT said...

Jails are kind of heavy to deport.

Tecumseh said...

Keep diggin', keep diggin'.