Friday, August 05, 2011


As President Obama’s failures mount, there will be an awkward reversal of roles among liberals, and to a lesser degree, among conservatives, that we’re already beginning to see. It will be the liberals, rather than the conservatives, who will decry this man as personally incompetent. ... Conservatives will then find themselves in the uncomfortable position of defending Barack Obama personally, or at least reminding the liberals of their earlier effusive praise, in order to redirect the blame where it primarily belongs - at the feet of the statist policies themselves. Hmmm... Is that so?


Mr roT said...

Nah. This is BS. GOPers' goal is to defeat Obama; there's no ideology around.

Arelcao Akleos said...

If you mean the Boehner-McCain Rinoceri have no operative principles, when it counts, other than staying in DC, then you're right.

Mr roT said...

This is democracy. They did as well as they could this time around. If they had much better, they'd lose next time and the US would be cooked (even faster).