Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's So Hard to get Riehl when Romney's your Sugar Daddy decides, in the end, the fate of nations.


Tecumseh said...

A mere eighteen years old when the floor speech was given, perhaps Rich Lowry was too overly fixated upon finding some next best acne medication at the time to have paid much attention to political and world events in March of 1986.

Powwww! Ouch. I have to say, Riehl is pretty good, and he's getting the better of this argument. So who is this guy? Never heard of him, before you brought him up.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Who he is, beyond his name, I don't know. His name is on the sidebar links, but I'd pretty much not noticed it until a few months ago as he and "Red State" Erickson split heatedly along the No Romney vs Yes Romney divide.