Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Rotter Mitt?

Or is that a Charly Mitt?


Tecumseh said...

Peggy makes a conjecture: A implies ¬A, but ¬A does not imply A:

He has the vibrations of a Massachusetts moderate—Newt isn't wrong about that—because he was a Massachusetts moderate. But now he holds conservative positions. He's not going to change them again, because you get only one chance to change in politics, not two. He is, therefore, perversely reliable. He's not going to get into the White House and announce: "By the way, I'm pro-choice again, ha."

Buy that, AA?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Nope. Peggy's desperate in her shilling.

Tecumseh said...

Aw, shucks. You and Mr Rot don't seem to like Peggy too much. She did write good speeches for Ronnie, didn't she?

Tecumseh said...

La même Jeannette autrement coiffée?

Tecumseh said...

Car Czar opines.