Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kass-andra Prophecies on Weak Horses and the Fall of Troy

That would be the Fall of us.

This simple column is beautifully precise, and elegant, and right to the throat of the problem. Reminds me a little of Eric Hoffer.
It is also a Prophecy that bears the weight of the Gods, and fits the classic Greek understanding that it is in our selves that Tragedy is born.
What passes for the leadership of the Republican Party has rejected, out of nothing more than stupid whim and blind self-indulgence, both Reagan and Buckley; and like King Priam readies to fully embrace its own, and the nation's, annihilation. Maybe there is good fortune in those who, like Laocoon, will not live to see what is to come.

A quarter Millenium of civilizational experiment on what Men can achieve by striving for the best within them is coming rapidly to its end. And whatever follows will be as far from the best within us as Mohammed is from Jesus or Ahmanadenijad is from Feynman.


Tecumseh said...

Speaking of which...

Tecumseh said...

Kass is a Greek guy from the South Side. Started as a ditch-digger, and moved up from there. Not the "je vois la vie en rose" type.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Guess Romney and Huntsman struck a bargain......Ready for a Romney-Huntsman ticket? Obama won't just win, he'll win both houses of Congress if the GOP goes that way.

Tecumseh said...

Mormon/Mormon ticket? No way.

Comic relief: Cupp gets catty with Newt.

Arelcao Akleos said...

They'd sell it as the Mormon-Mandarin Money ticket...