Saturday, November 25, 2006

The lot of the dhimmi


Mr roT said...

Yes and no, AI. They have some sort of democracy there, spiced up with a few disappearances and other nastiness that waxes and wanes. Probably it's tricky to go to church, but life in Turkey is probably shit for just about everyone.

Tecumseh said...

More shitty for some than others. My hunch is that the life expectancy of, say, a Catholic priest is much shorter than that of a mufti in that environment, no?

Mr roT said...

Particularly if he's wearing his roman collar. Note they said the priesters don't wear that out in public.
WHat a hell those fucking dumps must be.

Tecumseh said...

Father Andrea Santoro was in his Church, minding his own business, when he was shot in the head, from behind. So I don't know how much it helps not wearing the collar in public...