Sunday, November 26, 2006

Selling out the B2

But, will say JJ, who cares? The Chinese don't know how to build Coanda jets, anyhow, so what's the big deal? Right.


Tecumseh said...

That's the spirit, JJ.

Mr roT said...

I am coherent, AI. State secrets are state secrets. If he moved to the UK and started minding his own business like Litvinenko was(n't!) I still would want spooks to go and put a cap in his ass.
Part of the game, baby.

Tecumseh said...

Superficially coherent, JJ. You know (or, you should know) that thhe game is not played like this. Every time we even try to touch the bad guys with as much as a flower we get slammed by the MSM and the Left. As just one example: see what happens to those Langley boys and girls when they snatched a baddie from Italy and shipped him to Egypt -- the Red machine swung in action and is now trying to put them CIA types in an Italian slammer. On the other hand, the KGB's wet jobs department has very little or no compuction to simply whack whoever they don't like (for God's sake, they even put a contract on JPII in the 80s, remember that?). And, when things get hot, they can count on the same useful idiots to stand up and cover up for them. An old story, one that pisses me off to no end. But let's not pretend there is a level playing field out there, shall we?

Mr roT said...

I don't think anyone is covering for the russian hitsquads. Their gov't is run quieter than ours and so whistles don't get blown. They don't get blown exactly because when one whistle makes too much noise, that whistler's brain gets blown out!

Tecumseh said...

How about those comments in the Beeb that you pointed out, JJ? Remember, the moonbatty lefties are blaming everyone except the kitchen sink (am I mixing metaphors on this one?) for the Pollo murder. This brings back memories of the "useful idiots" (a KGB term) from the Cold War, who were running interference for the Soviets all the way till the Red Star was taken down from the spire of the Kremlin. But deep down these guys need to be someone's useful idiot, all the time, any time. So why not Putin's? Or Binnie's? The possibilities are endless.