Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The plot thickens

Naahhh, will say JJ -- nothing there, just a bunch of coincidences. And/or a malefic plot by counterrevolutionaries, kapitalist lackeys, and assorted laughing hyenas.


Arelcao Akleos said...

What, has JJ gone Buchanan on us?

Tecumseh said...

Well, not quite -- at any rate, JJ and Pat have quite different starting points (for one, JJ did not go to G-town). But he does seem to like Vlady "I looked him in the eyes" Putin. Any explanations for tghat?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Let's see if the Greeks knew how to get to the Bottom of JJ:

All Tejans are Proud of their Big Politicos
JJ is a Tejan
Bush is a Tejan Big Politico
Thus JJ is Proud of Bush

Tejans consider Infallible all those they are Proud
Hence Bush is Infallibe in JJs eyes.

Bush "I looked him in the eyes" meets Putin and declares to the World that Putin is a Good Man we Ricains can Trust.
Hence, in JJs eyes, this statement cannot contain Error.
Hence Putin is [a] Good Man, and [b] Man we can Trust. [all in JJs eyes]

Putin denies using Poison against Litvinenko.
Putin is a Man we can trust.
Hence, says JJ, Putin did not use Poison against Litvinenko.

Putin is a Good Man
Good Men never use poison against their fellow men
Litvinenko was a man
Hence Putin never used poison against Litvinenko

In any case, 'Putin did not use poison against Litvinenko"

The use of poison is tricky
The use of Tricky things is Trickery
A man who uses Trickery is not Trustworthy
Putin is a man we can Trust
Hence Putin is not a man who uses Trickery
Hence Putin did not use poison against Litvinenko

Finally Tejans are all Straight Shooters
Straight Shooters Like those who do not use Trickery
Against Litivinenko, Putin did not use poison, and did not use Trickery.
So as far as Litvinenko is concerned, Straight Shooters Like Putin.
JJ is a Tejan
Hence JJ is a Straight Shooter
Hence JJ Likes Putin.

There, syllogisms out the whazoo git their man.
Just be glad JJ did not join Bush in "gazing into his soul". Next thing they would have been talking about purdy mouths.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Could Putin, thinking aloud, have asked for the same that Henry II did when around a bunch drunken KGB agents instead of Knights?


It is a bit closer to Canterbury...

Tecumseh said...

Good lesson in Greek syllogisms, applied to JJ-remiad at hand. Ledt me try one which I think the Greeks missed:

JJ loves bridges
Vlady has a bridge to sell
Thus JJ buys it

Betcha Arsitotle (or was it Socrates?) didn't think of that one.