Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oopsie daisy

There goes Navier-Stokes.


Arelcao Akleos said...

So, is the error in that paper "substantial", or does her overall argument have the robustness to still hold together with that one result set aside?....I guess I'm asking if this is considered as "Good Proof, mod fine details" as seems to be the consensus with Perelman's proof of the Poincare' Conjecture?
IF this does hold up, is genuine, I now understand why Peter Constantin looked so morose in his recent pic. He got whacked by a Dame.

Mr roT said...

No. Perelman's proof was complete. Period.

Arelcao Akleos said...

JJ, my point was that Perelman's proof was in need of a committee to investigate it, and to separate lines of thought/results which were directly buttressing a proof versus "just" simply being interesting lines of thought [as well as asking him to be less terse, fill in lacuna, etc...]. It took what, two years plus to then cull out what was really required and see that he had it down?
So my question was if Smiths mistake was known to be in an "essential" part of the proof [hence, "
substantial"] or in a part that can be pruned away without affecting the validity that part of her work directly called upon to justify Navier Stokes.....I assume that this has been around for a good number of months, and so the "boiling down" process has begun?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, in browsing through the links it looks as if the relevant papers were pulled because of something "serious"....So Peter can put down that kitana now.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, the Smith-sonian gap appears serious. In fact, it occurs in two previous papers of hers, already published, on which she was relying... At any rate, good to hear someone is making a serious attempt at cracking N-V. You think PC is back at it now? How about Foias, does he still have what it takes?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ciprian could still have it....on the other hand he could be dead. I have no idea where, or in what condition, he is now....Still at Indiana?

Tecumseh said...

He retired from Indiana a few years ago, he's now at Texas A & M. I think JJ knows about that place -- is that where they have those huge bonfires, and stoopid students fall on the pyre?