Monday, April 30, 2007
The discreet charm of the hard Left
Bush Derangement Syndrome, the Frenchy way.
Pro-Royal campaigners have called him a “French Berlusconi”, a new Bonaparte and a “French George W. Bush”. Ooh, la, la -- that wet noodle hurts!
Pro-Royal campaigners have called him a “French Berlusconi”, a new Bonaparte and a “French George W. Bush”. Ooh, la, la -- that wet noodle hurts!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Mezzalama Trophy
Description of route
Breuil Cervinia 2.020 m. start
Breithorn Peak 3.826 m. 1st hourly check
Verra Pass 3.848 m. check
Castore 4.226 m. check
Felik Peak 4.068 m. check
Felik Glacier 3.720 m. 2nd hourly check
Lyskamm Ridge Pass 4.100 m. check
Città di Mantova Hut 3.500 m. check
Endre Alp 2609 m. check
Gabiet Alp 2.342 m. check
Gressoney La Trinité 1.637 m. finish
You guys up for a little challenge?
Breuil Cervinia 2.020 m. start
Breithorn Peak 3.826 m. 1st hourly check
Verra Pass 3.848 m. check
Castore 4.226 m. check
Felik Peak 4.068 m. check
Felik Glacier 3.720 m. 2nd hourly check
Lyskamm Ridge Pass 4.100 m. check
Città di Mantova Hut 3.500 m. check
Endre Alp 2609 m. check
Gabiet Alp 2.342 m. check
Gressoney La Trinité 1.637 m. finish
You guys up for a little challenge?
Deckchairs on the Titanic
Oh, so the Jews and Catholics are clearing up all their old Debates. Happifying now that the muslims are dying to kill us all.
New Allies
De son côté, le porte-parole des talibans a indiqué que la prisonnière "avait été relâchée pour donner au gouvernement français un gage de notre bonne volonté".
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I hope the Guardian is Right
More on the 7/7 Boss
How about a poll, fellas? Who's for waterboarding this bastard till he spills his sister's address?
PC Police and Zero-tolerance
No! She should NOT wear the the ring. As a Christian she will want to put her views on others and as a gay person I do NOT want her views to affect me, Christians are not the Worls's Original Thinkers. Wake up UK! Any form of religion, be it Christian or Muslim or whatever is not Good for your health.
Posted by Neil on April 28, 2007 11:17 AM
Where's Bob?
Posted by Neil on April 28, 2007 11:17 AM
Where's Bob?
Friday, April 27, 2007
Planet Pepe is taking some hits
First, one of the Binnie Boyz is nabbed and sent to Gitmo (horrors!). Then, more head-hackers are grabbed in Iraq. And then, the Saudis foil yet another devilish plot hatched by what the Planeteers like to refer to as the "Minutemen" (or is it the "freedom fighters"?) Ah, well, win some, lose some. They don't get phased so easily in Versailles.
Ah, So That is Where "Youth" Comes From
Look at the Versaillian bit o queeran at the Left [natch] of the "Magnificent 19"
Get Them to a Swinery
Ah, "Youths" in the making. Such a beautiful thing is "education" on Planet Pepe
Magnificent Muslims,
Saudi Schwein,
Under the Zee
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sarko surrenders, preemptively
I guess that's the way one courts the French electorate -- the candidates must outdo each other in announcing how much faster they will surrender to the head-hackers. The Versailles vote is all sewn up, yes?
VT cops take the JJ approach
The five minutes police spent breaking into the building proved to be crucial as Cho moved through Norris Hall unimpeded... "If you go in with your backs turned, you're never going back," Geller said. "There's got to be some sort of organization." Some police and security experts question the five-minute delay, saying authorities should have charged straight into the melee. "You don't have time to wait," said Aaron Cohen... "You don't have time to pre-plan a response. Even if you have a few guys, you go."
Nahhh, says JJ. You take your sweet time, make sure the door is broken according to rule X1JTR, and all t's are crossed and i's dotted, before giving the assault, and give the gunman time to snuff out as many lives as he wants. That's the JJ plan.
Nahhh, says JJ. You take your sweet time, make sure the door is broken according to rule X1JTR, and all t's are crossed and i's dotted, before giving the assault, and give the gunman time to snuff out as many lives as he wants. That's the JJ plan.
Offending Local Sensibilities, Part II
First Sean Hannity goes after Alec Baldwin for threatening his 12-year-old pig daughter (since this, my father's new one-liner around the house is, "Don't make me go Alec Baldwin on you!"), and now Dinesh Gupta calls for the arrest of Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty for their kissing orgy in India.
Such immorality!
Even more disturbing is the idea that 12-year-olds are All Things Innocent. I know how I acted at 12, and I didn't even have access to the entitlements of being a pig Hollywood brat.
Such immorality!
Even more disturbing is the idea that 12-year-olds are All Things Innocent. I know how I acted at 12, and I didn't even have access to the entitlements of being a pig Hollywood brat.
Alec Baldwin,
Mass Idiocy,
Richard Gere
The Gospel According to Christopher Hitchens, Book One

Hitch: is the point, about myself and my co-thinkers. Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith. We do not rely solely upon science and reason, because these are necessary rather than sufficient factors, but we distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. We may differ on many things, but what we respect is free inquiry, openmindedness, and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake. We do not hold our convictions dogmatically: the disagreement between Professor Stephen Jay Gould and Professor Richard Dawkins, concerning "punctuated evolution" and the unfilled gaps in post-Darwinian theory, is quite wide as well as quite deep, but we shall resolve it by evidence and reasoning and not by mutual excommunication.
One more note: it's impossible to agree with the Hitch statement that Religion Poisons Everything. There are certainly elements within religions (in the strict socio-cultural sense) that bring people together, be it Easter (with egg hunts), or Christmas dinner with the family -- both are rooted in pagan/seasonal history. It's an excuse for all of us to say, "Nope, as a culture we've agreed to step away from work and be with family." Of course, I say this thinking that everyone's family gets along in a similar way as mine. If you don't like your family, then by all means, Religion very well poisons everything.
Calling All Mathematicians
Ai, JJ there's a question maybe you can help me with. I'm working through Sullivan's paper of '85, the one which he begins by proving the "No Wandering Domains" Theorem, and find I'm not at all clear on what he really means by "prime ends". Although much of what he brings up in that paper can be found in books on complex dynamics or low dimension manifolds, I'm not coming across anything that refers to these. Is this an idea you've come across? Is his terminology nonstandard? Thanks for any info
Play the French Butthead
just click on the orange title, and enjoy.
Heartwrenching Story
Did God intend that Emilio be kept alive on a respirator? Can a hospital decide what's 'appropriate' for my next-of-kin?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Giuliani says x=x
Democrats freak out and McCain chickens out.
Addendum: Here's: the DNC's view: On Wednesday, that [Giuliani's criticism--JJ] provided a clear opening for Democrats. The Democratic National Committee used the former mayor’s remarks to highlight his failure “to prepare New York City for the second attack on the World Trade Center.”
Addendum: Here's: the DNC's view: On Wednesday, that [Giuliani's criticism--JJ] provided a clear opening for Democrats. The Democratic National Committee used the former mayor’s remarks to highlight his failure “to prepare New York City for the second attack on the World Trade Center.”
The Stiff Upper Lip on America

"...surrender may be the keyword here. What, for instance, is this dismal rush to lower the national colors all the damned time? At times of real crisis and genuine emergency, such as the assault on our society that was mounted almost six years ago, some emotion could be pardoned. But even then, the signs of sickliness and foolishness were incipient (as in Billy Graham's disgusting sermon at the National Cathedral where he spoke of the victims being 'called into eternity'). If we did this every time, the flag would spend its entire time drooping."
You can take the Hitch out of Great Britian, but you can't take the Stiff Upper Lip out of a Brit.
A Team to Ball For
F.C. Porto would be Amalia Rodrigues. Beautiful Pitch, Ugly Garb, Sad Song.
N.E. Revolution would be Tonya Harding. Hardscrabble, Dementedly Krafted, Never Better Than Second
Now, definitely, until May 7.
N.E. Revolution would be Tonya Harding. Hardscrabble, Dementedly Krafted, Never Better Than Second
Now, definitely, until May 7.
International Women's Day,
Tall Rabbit Tales
Fear of Farding for Allah, or Poutaine This, Mohmo
Oops. Just accidently came out with “La ilah illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.". It just popped out all meaningful and in full understanding like. Gee, Holy Ramadan, what's a new potential shaheed to do? Ah, that's simple. If it's "easy in" it must be 'easy out", eh? So now I chuck the Quran beside that Little Red Book and the Vichy Collector's edition of Mein Kampf, wolfowitz down a ham sandwich with a tall glass of clamato, ogle unveiled women with their saucy ankles showing, and give Hirsyan Ali a big full lipped Non-French Kiss [she is a cutie, fo sho]. If that doesn't make me an Apostate, what would? Yup, damn, that WAS easy. Later folks. See you a week after Mayday.
It's Not Just a Religion...It is Geology
Hey, Pepe, before you hesitate getting tongue tied over “La ilah illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.” don't forget that 1.3 Billion Sharp Geologists Can't Be Wrong........Heck, if you say No to Mohmo you say No to Cushy Earth Science Sinecure at Al Azhar ["Harvard of Islam"]. And no doubt they'll offer a qualitative improvement on that Yemeni foursome you've had to get by on.
The Holy Roach Motel
"The word “Muslim” means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process that requires no pre-requisites"
Note: [a] From the Strong Horse's Ass itself; So much for the D of PPs blathering about hostility to the RoP Militant being "Racist"
[b] And how easy is the process of becoming an un-Muslim, eh?
Note: [a] From the Strong Horse's Ass itself; So much for the D of PPs blathering about hostility to the RoP Militant being "Racist"
[b] And how easy is the process of becoming an un-Muslim, eh?
Fards For Allah,
Magnificent Muslims,
Mass Idiocy
A Guarded Conjecture: "Pepe's Only Theorem"
Sweet Reason at its Analytical Best. One is helpless to find flaw in such a tour de farce, particularly now that the brilliant Ragnar Dannesjkold claims to have an airtight proof. [See below]
Danneskjold proves Pepe's Only Theorem
Proof : that America is Just Like Fascist Germany
Consider the evidence:
1. Many Americans like beer, schnitzel, bratwurst and sauerkraut . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
2. Many Americans speak fluent German . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
3. Millions of Americans drive Volkswagens, Mercedes-Benz's and BMWs . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
4. Many Americans enjoy polkas . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
5. American soldiers and police carry guns and sometimes shoot people . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
6. American government agents are sometimes known to arrest and incarcerate people . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
7. American government agents are sometimes known to spy on people . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
8. Most Americans despise the French . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
9. Most Americans salute the national flag . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
10. Americans breathe air . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
There you have it, folks! Proof positive that modern America is JUST LIKE FASCIST GERMANY.
By Ragnar Danneskjold, John Doe #4 at 09:15 PM | Comments | digg this
Consider the evidence:
1. Many Americans like beer, schnitzel, bratwurst and sauerkraut . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
2. Many Americans speak fluent German . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
3. Millions of Americans drive Volkswagens, Mercedes-Benz's and BMWs . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
4. Many Americans enjoy polkas . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
5. American soldiers and police carry guns and sometimes shoot people . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
6. American government agents are sometimes known to arrest and incarcerate people . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
7. American government agents are sometimes known to spy on people . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
8. Most Americans despise the French . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
9. Most Americans salute the national flag . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
10. Americans breathe air . . . just like they did in Fascist Germany.
There you have it, folks! Proof positive that modern America is JUST LIKE FASCIST GERMANY.
By Ragnar Danneskjold, John Doe #4 at 09:15 PM | Comments | digg this
Lusitania Contra Castile
Good vs. Evil, His Ego vs. His Arrogance, The Jabber-wocky vs. The Bunda-snatch....Blue vs. Red.
Sing all now " It is a Manichean World , After All "
Sing all now " It is a Manichean World , After All "
The Evil Ricains Do
First, the Fashion Horror of Abu Ghraib. Now this Hamfisted Oppression. Is there no limit to the barbarity of the Kufr against the Religion of Peace and Love? Apparently not.
We are lucky to have our crack superintendents at work. They sure know a Hate Crime when they see one.
We are lucky to have our crack superintendents at work. They sure know a Hate Crime when they see one.
Miss America Goes Dirty Harry
What, we have Miss America's are now too manly for Planet Pepe? Strange Days.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The MInister of Truth
From Little Green Football's, Hans Blix encapsulates the purest intellectual idiocy of the Left. Versailles rues he is not Royal
"Ignorance is Blix
The headline, of course, comes from the occasional LGF tagline. But here is new evidence of its truth. This afternoon, after I arrived in Boise, Idaho, to speak at Boise State University, I had the pleasure of having lunch with two members of the campus chapter of the College Republicans. One was John Sawmiller, president of the chapter, who told me that when Hans Blix spoke at the campus some time ago, he had the unenviable task of driving him around Boise.
So in the course of things, Sawmiller asked Blix how he could advocate negotiations with Iran, given the intransigence of Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad, Blix countered, was in fact a "pragmatist" and a "pluralist." A man who could be reasoned with. George W. Bush, by contrast, said Blix, was a "theologian," driven by a religious fanaticism that was not open to reason.
A very neat inversion of reality, Mr. Blix"
"Ignorance is Blix
The headline, of course, comes from the occasional LGF tagline. But here is new evidence of its truth. This afternoon, after I arrived in Boise, Idaho, to speak at Boise State University, I had the pleasure of having lunch with two members of the campus chapter of the College Republicans. One was John Sawmiller, president of the chapter, who told me that when Hans Blix spoke at the campus some time ago, he had the unenviable task of driving him around Boise.
So in the course of things, Sawmiller asked Blix how he could advocate negotiations with Iran, given the intransigence of Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad, Blix countered, was in fact a "pragmatist" and a "pluralist." A man who could be reasoned with. George W. Bush, by contrast, said Blix, was a "theologian," driven by a religious fanaticism that was not open to reason.
A very neat inversion of reality, Mr. Blix"
Hey, What's a Little Culling for Allah?
It's a Good Thing this Pennsylvanian Imam hasn't yet been told of the D of PP converting to Islam and then turning apostate. A Very Good Thing.
"Turning Journalism into History."

Cambodia and the rest can rejoice, those that survived.
In an interview, Schell said that after the Berkeley speech, he, his wife, Liu Baifang; "New Yorker" staff writer Mark Danner; and NPR documentarian Sandy Tolan, joined Halberstam at Chez Panisse, where the five closed down the restaurant discussing the similarities between the Vietnam War and the current quagmire in Iraq.
Monday, April 23, 2007
From IM to the D of PP
The Le Pew is no doubt busy scouring the dictionaries for "Je Suis Vichy" in Arabic
Sunday, April 22, 2007
President Jefferson vs. Pirate Jihad
It seems likely that Jefferson decided... that he would make war upon the Barbary kingdoms as soon as he commanded American forces. His two least favorite institutions -- enthroned monarchy and state-sponsored religion -- were embodied in one target, and it may even be that his famous ambivalences about slavery were resolved somewhat when he saw it practiced by the Muslims.
Note: has anyone had a chance to read Frank Lambert?
This next quote by President Madison is Not From Planet Pepe: “It is a settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute. The United States, while they wish for war with no nation, will buy peace with none.”
Note: has anyone had a chance to read Frank Lambert?
This next quote by President Madison is Not From Planet Pepe: “It is a settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute. The United States, while they wish for war with no nation, will buy peace with none.”
Sarko vs Sego
Candidate Party IPSOS Sofres CSA
Nicolas Sarkozy UMP 29.6 30.0 29.5
Ségolène Royal PS 25.1 25.2 26.3
Nicolas Sarkozy UMP 29.6 30.0 29.5
Ségolène Royal PS 25.1 25.2 26.3
End of history psycho-analysis
Suicide bombers and the Virginia Tech killer, Fukuyama suggests, “fall into the same demographic of young males, a lot of whom are unemployed, without a clear place in the social hierarchy. These guys have the most to gain and the least to lose by martyrdom”. And often, he adds, they are upset about girls “whose attention they can’t get. ... We have seen this problem before in the extremist politics of the 20th century, among the young people who became anarchists, Bolsheviks, fascists or members of the Baader-Meinhof gang.” It is not specifically tied to radical Islam, he insists.
Don't Worry Be Happy,
planet Pepe expands
Proposal for New V-Tech Intro-Course
...we might think about replacing a couple of those worthless Creative Writing courses with the above.
Deconstructing Fred

Still, if either Thompson or Giuliani was elected, we'd notice a marked improvement in the coherency from the Oval Office, and clarity in the CIC's language. Either Fred or Rudy would be fine with me. I'm still leaning more towards Rudy, though.
Fred Thompson,
Not from Planet Pepe,
Rudy Giuliani
Saturday, April 21, 2007
it'd be nice...
...if the media would loop more footage of the above rather than giving Captain Dipshit continuous airtime.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
McCain channels moi
Okay boys, you heard the President. I want you to search the ambassador thoroughly. And due to the tininess of his equipment do not overlook any of the seven bodily orifices.
Valuable Lessons
There's no need for kitty here, boys, but you better not let this be heard. Another masterpiece.
The Lesbian Eye for the AI Guy
This from Tammyhawk Bruce's website. It must have been a hoot to spy on her 'discussions' with the likes of Patricia Ireland and Gloria Steinem back in Tammy's days as head of NOW in Los Angeles. But then whaddya expect from a broad who keeps a Smith&Wesson .38 named "Snuffy"?? Article in the Comment Section
Brilliant Stupidity
Yeah, that's what we really need, a Madrassah under the protection of Versailles
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Steyn reads MFT
I'd not known that in the Ghabri shooting the men had stood by like that.....damn depressing
An Atrocity a Day Keeps the Kufr Away
and then one fine day the "cure" will hit Versailles. Who's the D of PP gonna bleat to then?
From Virginia Nihilism to Turkey Islamism
the Good Times never end on Planet Pepe
Magnificent Muslims,
Belying JJ's point
Thus spake JJ: "If anyone could be bamed it would be those that read this Korean madman's ivcious and violent plays and didn't indicate to the authorities that there just might be a teensy-weensy problem in his head." Methinks the problem was not with people not drawing attention to the authorities. But rather (as happened on 9/11), with the authorities not paying attention to the info, and not drawing the appropriate conclusions. And this is not some bs exercise -- people die because of such screwups. And the one who screw up never, ever admit their errors -- thus, they never get corrected.
A VT grad student's view
Will JJ dismiss Wiles as being "emotional"? (Note the date: August 31, 2006!)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
PC police
Ah, we don't have a police force that can stop a twerp from butchering dozens, but, mirabile dictu! we have a trusty PC police that can spring into action with a vengeance. Is this pinko nirvana, or what?
Nanny-State Harem

Joys of Planet Pepe: John Q. Taxpayer getting socked to pay for Momo's harem. I mean, is this pinko ecstasy, or what?
Monday, April 16, 2007
We were stooopid!
Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And, in this instance, the French have every right to call us imbeciles. So, who dropped the ball here?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Not From Planet Pepe

(note: I'll be out of internet range for a couple days. But by all means, carry on, gentlemen. Carry on.)
Planet Pepe against le Meteque
The vitriol continued to flow Friday, with Royal accusing Sarkozy's Union for a Popular Movement party of "secretly negotiating" with Le Pen's camp. In public, at least, Le Pen has lashed out at Sarkozy, criticizing him last week as "the candidate of immigrant background. I am the candidate of French soil." Sarkozy's father was a Hungarian immigrant, while his maternal grandfather was of Jewish-Greek background.
Sea lion attack!

It was really sort of movie-like. This thing just exploded in a full-on, frontal attack. It actually lined her up. It jumped out of the water at her and hit her head-on. It must have been travelling at an enormous speed. It opened its mouth and grabbed her head. It latched on.
Ouchhhh! I hate it when that happens.
Leningrad Returns...

If massive social misery was necessary for Dostoevsky and Chekhov to write such wonderful works on the human condition, then Putin is inadvertantly making sure that literary tradition won't die.
The link to this story is that of what happened in Moscow, but I just saw a story this Sunday morning about Putin's Riot Cops beating down Kasparov and his party in St. Petersburg.

Mother Russia,
planet Pepe expands
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Urbs in Horto trying to curb the school Brothel
A copy of the DVD viewed by The Associated Press shows a man and a woman hugging, kissing and engaged in various sex acts inside a [school] office. A separate portion of the tape, apparently from a different time, shows another woman hugging and touching the same man.
In comment #7, Pepe said:
...even the most radical islamist doesn't advocate the complete eradication of jews from the planet.
I'm still bothered by this misunderstanding of Militant Islam.
I'm still bothered by this misunderstanding of Militant Islam.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Another Islamic Knight-Errant
...well okay, maybe it was a little more directed than a wandering knight. The language is just so bizarre:
"A knight from the state of Islam ... reached the heart of the Green Zone ... the temporary headquarters of the mice of the infidel parliament and blew himself up among a gathering of the infidel masters," the Islamic State said in the statement posted on one Islamist Web site commonly used by insurgents.
They really are living in Fantasy Land, aren't they.
"A knight from the state of Islam ... reached the heart of the Green Zone ... the temporary headquarters of the mice of the infidel parliament and blew himself up among a gathering of the infidel masters," the Islamic State said in the statement posted on one Islamist Web site commonly used by insurgents.
They really are living in Fantasy Land, aren't they.
From Planet Pepe,
Mass Idiocy,
The Qomical Mullahs
Dishonest Collective Memory: take it away, Couric!
This leads us to the deeper phoniness that hobbles the assembly-line anchorperson-commentary racket CBS News has been running for decades. [also see Dan Rathers]
Thursday, April 12, 2007
A hawk who doesn't inhale
Palfrey's civil defense attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, told CNN that it was his understanding that Ullman used the business' services but did not engage in sexual activity with the escorts.

A strange ressemblance
A boffo portuguese
António Botto was somewhat of a character. He is described as a slender, middle-stature dandy, fastidiously dressed, oval-faced, a tiny mouth with thin pursed lips, strange, scrutinizing, ironic eyes (sometimes clouded by a frightening satanic expression) hidden by an everpresent fedora. He had a sardonic sense of humour, a sharp, perverse and irreverent mind and tongue, and he was a brilliant and witty conversationalist. He was kind to his friends but he would become fiercely bitchy if he felt someone disliked him or didn't treat him with the unconditional admiration he felt he deserved. On that account he made a lot of enemies.
You don't say!
You don't say!
Better English for the Proletariat

Beijing is enforcing the Good English rule throughout China beyond what Newt Gingrich could ever hope to accomplish in America.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Gorebal Warming Revisited

Excerpt: The selective publication of only those articles that match with the environmentalist ideology is dogmatism because they wish to compel their ideas through the authority and power that they wield on the diffusion of science. What they try to achieve is to hide the truth from the public comprehension pretending that there is a scientific “consensus” on the anthropogenic origin of the Climate Fluctuations. It is not futile to say that there is not any “scientific consensus” and that we do not acquire the true knowledge of the nature’s events (science) by “consensus”.
Wild Dakota West returns (quietly)....

(the pic is of Teddy Roosevelt. JJ, have you had enough time to get familiar with the BULLY! president and frontiersman?)
North Dakota,
Petty Thieves and Vandals
Another "spike" in Gorebal Warming
I was out doing archaeological fieldwork this Monday in western Dakota, and the sleet and rain and finally snow moved in by the evening and night. A co-worker and I find it interesting that warm and cold spikes are invariably linked to Gorebal Warming by the Scientific Community. What the hell is going on with your Hard Science discipline, JJ? It doesn't seem like anyone can agree on anything — reminds me of history and philosophy.

Here's the regional, upper Missouri River take on it all.

Here's the regional, upper Missouri River take on it all.
Student Loan Scandal Grows
As the monthly bills start to roll in, I get out the check-book and start the repayment-for-education process. To think that the Student Loan agents at my respective universities went on vacations with my dollars is, well, a bit disturbing. This seems so widespread as to warrant a national investigation.
University Corruption,
You don't say
Real Inconvenient Truths
The Question: "Just wondering what your thoughts are on the global warming issue. Have you seen the Al Gore movie? Any thoughts on the current debate on climate science?
Many thanks,

Camille Paglia responds, offering counterpoint to Scientific Reductionism:
"Oh, great, here comes the hornet's nest!
As a native of upstate New York, whose dramatic landscape was carved by the receding North American glacier 10,000 years ago, I have been contemplating the principle of climate change since I was a child. Niagara Falls, as well as the even bigger dry escarpment of Clark Reservation near Syracuse, is a memento left by the glacier. So is nearby Green Lakes State Park, with its mysteriously deep glacial pools. When I was 10, I lived with my family at the foot of a drumlin -- a long, undulating hill of murrain formed by eddies of the ancient glacier melt.
Geology and meteorology are fields that have always interested me and that I might well have entered, had I not been more attracted to art and culture. (My geology professor in college, in fact, asked me to consider geology as a career.) To conflate vast time frames with volatile daily change is a sublime exercise, bordering on the metaphysical.
However, I am a skeptic about what is currently called global warming. I have been highly suspicious for years about the political agenda that has slowly accrued around this issue. As a lapsed Catholic, I detest dogma in any area. Too many of my fellow Democrats seem peculiarly credulous at the moment, as if, having ground down organized religion into nonjudgmental, feel-good therapy, they are hungry for visions of apocalypse. From my perspective, virtually all of the major claims about global warming and its causes still remain to be proved.

Climate change, keyed to solar cycles, is built into Earth's system. Cooling and warming will go on forever. Slowly rising sea levels will at some point doubtless flood lower Manhattan and seaside houses everywhere from Cape Cod to Florida -- as happened to Native American encampments on those very shores. Human habitation is always fragile and provisional. People will migrate for the hills, as they have always done.
Who is impious enough to believe that Earth's contours are permanent? Our eyes are simply too slow to see the shift of tectonic plates that has raised the Himalayas and is dangling Los Angeles over an unstable fault. I began "Sexual Personae" (parodying the New Testament): "In the beginning was nature." And nature will survive us all. Man is too weak to permanently affect nature, which includes infinitely more than this tiny globe.
I voted for Ralph Nader for president in the 2000 election because I feel that the United States needs a strong Green Party. However, when I tried to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" on cable TV recently, I wasn't able to get past the first 10 minutes. I was snorting with disgust at its manipulations and distortions and laughing at Gore's lugubrious sentimentality, which was painfully revelatory of his indecisive, self-thwarting character. When Gore told a congressional hearing last month that there is a universal consensus among scientists about global warming -- which is blatantly untrue -- he forfeited his own credibility.

Environmentalism is a noble cause. It is damaged by propaganda and half-truths. Every industrialized society needs heightened consciousness about its past, present and future effects on the biosphere. Though I am a libertarian, I am a strong supporter of vigilant scrutiny and regulation of industry by local, state and federal agencies. But there must be a balance with the equally vital need for economic development, especially in the Third World.
Here's a terrible episode from my region that made the news just last year. A bankrupt thermometer factory in Franklin Township, N.J., vacated its building in 1994 but ignored a directive to clean the premises of residual mercury toxins. There was a total failure of oversight and follow-through at the state and local levels. The result: In 2004, a daycare center opened in the renovated building and for two years subjected children and pregnant women to a dangerously high level of mercury vapors from the contaminated site.
The degree of permanent health effects on those children is still unknown. This kind of outrageous negligence should not be tolerated in a civilized nation."
Many thanks,

Camille Paglia responds, offering counterpoint to Scientific Reductionism:
"Oh, great, here comes the hornet's nest!
As a native of upstate New York, whose dramatic landscape was carved by the receding North American glacier 10,000 years ago, I have been contemplating the principle of climate change since I was a child. Niagara Falls, as well as the even bigger dry escarpment of Clark Reservation near Syracuse, is a memento left by the glacier. So is nearby Green Lakes State Park, with its mysteriously deep glacial pools. When I was 10, I lived with my family at the foot of a drumlin -- a long, undulating hill of murrain formed by eddies of the ancient glacier melt.
Geology and meteorology are fields that have always interested me and that I might well have entered, had I not been more attracted to art and culture. (My geology professor in college, in fact, asked me to consider geology as a career.) To conflate vast time frames with volatile daily change is a sublime exercise, bordering on the metaphysical.
However, I am a skeptic about what is currently called global warming. I have been highly suspicious for years about the political agenda that has slowly accrued around this issue. As a lapsed Catholic, I detest dogma in any area. Too many of my fellow Democrats seem peculiarly credulous at the moment, as if, having ground down organized religion into nonjudgmental, feel-good therapy, they are hungry for visions of apocalypse. From my perspective, virtually all of the major claims about global warming and its causes still remain to be proved.

Climate change, keyed to solar cycles, is built into Earth's system. Cooling and warming will go on forever. Slowly rising sea levels will at some point doubtless flood lower Manhattan and seaside houses everywhere from Cape Cod to Florida -- as happened to Native American encampments on those very shores. Human habitation is always fragile and provisional. People will migrate for the hills, as they have always done.
Who is impious enough to believe that Earth's contours are permanent? Our eyes are simply too slow to see the shift of tectonic plates that has raised the Himalayas and is dangling Los Angeles over an unstable fault. I began "Sexual Personae" (parodying the New Testament): "In the beginning was nature." And nature will survive us all. Man is too weak to permanently affect nature, which includes infinitely more than this tiny globe.
I voted for Ralph Nader for president in the 2000 election because I feel that the United States needs a strong Green Party. However, when I tried to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" on cable TV recently, I wasn't able to get past the first 10 minutes. I was snorting with disgust at its manipulations and distortions and laughing at Gore's lugubrious sentimentality, which was painfully revelatory of his indecisive, self-thwarting character. When Gore told a congressional hearing last month that there is a universal consensus among scientists about global warming -- which is blatantly untrue -- he forfeited his own credibility.

Environmentalism is a noble cause. It is damaged by propaganda and half-truths. Every industrialized society needs heightened consciousness about its past, present and future effects on the biosphere. Though I am a libertarian, I am a strong supporter of vigilant scrutiny and regulation of industry by local, state and federal agencies. But there must be a balance with the equally vital need for economic development, especially in the Third World.
Here's a terrible episode from my region that made the news just last year. A bankrupt thermometer factory in Franklin Township, N.J., vacated its building in 1994 but ignored a directive to clean the premises of residual mercury toxins. There was a total failure of oversight and follow-through at the state and local levels. The result: In 2004, a daycare center opened in the renovated building and for two years subjected children and pregnant women to a dangerously high level of mercury vapors from the contaminated site.
The degree of permanent health effects on those children is still unknown. This kind of outrageous negligence should not be tolerated in a civilized nation."
Al Gore the Science Guy,
Gorebal Warming
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
We Are Not Worthy
One last note. Caught this little list and wondered how long before it expands to include Loose Cannons to the Left and to the Right. Is this why the D of PP lies low? Anyway,, I shall return [April 20th, 5:43 Pacific Time]. Everyone take care, and enjoy life.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Six Tributes to JJ's Alma Mater Before Incommunicado
Folks, for the next two weeks will be far too busy to abuse FCP in proper style. So take care, and will be back after April 20th. Until then, these bonmots on the place that Spawned JJ
1: [Crime and Punishment]
[a] A Florida State student, a Kansas State student, and an Aggie had all commited horrendous crimes and were going to be shot. The FSU guy was brought up and blindfolded. The general shouted, "Ready ....... aim..." and the FSU guy yelled, "Huricane!!," everybody ducked, and he ran away free.
Dismayed at losing their first prisoner, the guards brought up the KSU student with renewed vengence. They blindfolded him and the general commanded, "Ready......aim....." and the KSU guy shouted, "Tornado!!" and fearing for their lives, everybody ducked, and he ran away free.
Well, the Aggie has been watching all this and starts thinking, "They all yelled natural disasters and they got away, so I will too." So they brought him up and blinded folded him, the general shouted, "Ready ...... aim...." and the Aggie screamed, "Fire!!"
An Aggie was down on his luck so he decided to go out and kidnap a child to get the ransom. He went to the park and snuck up on one of the kids. He grabbed him and took him behind a tree. He told the kid that he was kidnapped and pinned a note on the kid's shirt that read:
"I have kidnapped your child. If you want to see him again, put $20,000 in a sack and leave it in front of the tree at the park. --- An Aggie."
He told the child to make sure his parents saw the note and sent the child home.
The next day the Aggie went to the tree to find a sack. He looked inside to find the money he had asked for and a note that read:
"How could one Aggie do this to another Aggie."
[c]An Aggie, a Baylor Bear, and a Texas Longhorn need some money. So they decide to rob a bank.
They rob the bank and then hear the cops coming, so they hide in the woods.
The Baylor Bear climbs into a tree, and when the cops come by, he shakes the branches and makes bird noises. The cops think it's just some birds, so they go on.
The Longhorn climbs into a tree and shakes the branches, and the cops think it's a squirrel, so they go on.
The Aggie climbs into a tree. The cops hear some rustling and they say, "What was that?"
And the Aggie goes, " Moo! Mooo!
2: [Number Theory for Aggie Wiles]
[a] The proud new Aggie said to his father at homecoming: " Did you know that there are three types of Aggies? Those who can count and those who can't."
[b] Have you heard about the Aggie kamikaze pilot? He flew 22 missions.
3: [Natural Aggies]
[a] Two Aggies go on a fishing trip. They rent all the equipment - the reels, the rods, the wading suits, the rowboat, the car, and even a cabin in the woods.
The first day they go fishing, but they don't catch anything. The same thing happens on the second day, and on the third day. It goes on like this until finally, on the last day of their vacation, one of the men catches a fish.
As they're driving home they're really depressed. One Aggie turns to the other and says, "Do you realize that this one lousy fish we caught cost us fifteen hundred bucks?"
The other Aggie says, "Wow! Then it's a good thing we didn't catch any more!"
[b] An Aggie decides to raise chickens. So, he goes to the feed store and buys some chicks. He takes the chicks home, and plants them with their heads sticking up. He waters them, but they die. He goes back to the feed store and tells the proprietor that he bought defective chicks, and gets another set. This time he plants them with their heads sticking down. He waters them, but they die. He then sends a letter to his Alma Mater, describing the problem. They send a letter back asking for a soil sample.
4 : [TechnoSavvy]
[a] Why does the new Aggie navy have glass bottomed boats? So they can see the old Aggie navy
[b] Two Aggies were flying across the Atlantic and decided they didn't have enough fuel to make it. So the pilot decided to lighten the load by jettisoning some fuel
[c] A group of Aggie aeronautical science students wanted to send a probe into the sun. Some UT students
said that the probe would burn up long before reaching the sun. The Aggies assured them they need not worry as the plan was to send the probe at night.
5: [The Life Erotic]
[a]Then there the Aggie that was hunting in the woods. He happened upon this beautiful woman laying naked in
the grass. He asked her, "Are you game?" The woman said "yes." So he shot her.
[b] How do Aggies practice safe sex? They get rid of all the cows that kick.
[c] At the end of the night, the Aggie turns to his girlfriend and asks, "Why is it everytime I go out with you, I end up
spending hundreds of dollars?" And she says, "Because I'm a whore."
[d] A Texas Tech graduate, a University of Texas grad and a Texas Aggie were sitting in a bar in San Antonio. The view of the river was fantastic, the beer was ice cold and the food exceptional. "But," said the guy from Tech, "I still prefer the beer joints back in Lubbock. There's one place where the owner goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy 4 beers, he will buy the 5th."
The Longhorn said "Well, at my local bar in Austin, the owner will buy your 3rd drink after you've bought 2."
"Hell, that's nothin'," the Aggie responded. "Back in College Station there's this bar where the moment you set foot in the place they'll buy you a drink and keep them coming all night. Then when you've had enough to drink, they take you upstairs and see that you get laid. And it's all on the house."
The Red Raider and the Longhorn immediately doubted the Aggie's claims.
"And this actually happened to you?" asked the Tech grad.
"No, not myself personally," admitted the Aggie. "But it did happen to my sister.
6: [Minds at Work]
[a] An Aggie went in to see his advisor, who said, "I want you to take history, math, and logic." "What's logic?" asked the Aggie. "Well," said the professor, "I'll give you an example. Do you own a Weed-eater?" "Why, yes, I do," replied the Aggie. "OK," continued the professor, "logic tells me that you have a yard!" "Amazing," gushed the young rube. "And," continued the professor, "since you have a yard, logic tells me that you have a house." "I do! I do!" exclaimed the boy. "And," continued the professor, "if you have a house, you probably have a wife. And, since you have a wife, I conclude that you are a heterosexual." "Gaaaa-lee!" said the Aggie. "That logic is sump'n else!"
He goes outside, and his friend, Buck, asks him what classes he's going to take. "I'm gonna take history, math, and logic." "What's logic?" asks Buck. "OK," says the Aggie, "I'll give you an example: Do you own a weed-eater?" "Uh, no," relies Buck.
The Aggie pauses a bit and says, "You're QUEER, ain'tcha".
[b] The Aggie who won a gold medal at the Olympics liked it so much that he decided to get it bronzed.
[c] Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M, recounting what he told a player who received four F's and one D:
"Son, looks to me like you're spending too much time on one subject."
1: [Crime and Punishment]
[a] A Florida State student, a Kansas State student, and an Aggie had all commited horrendous crimes and were going to be shot. The FSU guy was brought up and blindfolded. The general shouted, "Ready ....... aim..." and the FSU guy yelled, "Huricane!!," everybody ducked, and he ran away free.
Dismayed at losing their first prisoner, the guards brought up the KSU student with renewed vengence. They blindfolded him and the general commanded, "Ready......aim....." and the KSU guy shouted, "Tornado!!" and fearing for their lives, everybody ducked, and he ran away free.
Well, the Aggie has been watching all this and starts thinking, "They all yelled natural disasters and they got away, so I will too." So they brought him up and blinded folded him, the general shouted, "Ready ...... aim...." and the Aggie screamed, "Fire!!"
An Aggie was down on his luck so he decided to go out and kidnap a child to get the ransom. He went to the park and snuck up on one of the kids. He grabbed him and took him behind a tree. He told the kid that he was kidnapped and pinned a note on the kid's shirt that read:
"I have kidnapped your child. If you want to see him again, put $20,000 in a sack and leave it in front of the tree at the park. --- An Aggie."
He told the child to make sure his parents saw the note and sent the child home.
The next day the Aggie went to the tree to find a sack. He looked inside to find the money he had asked for and a note that read:
"How could one Aggie do this to another Aggie."
[c]An Aggie, a Baylor Bear, and a Texas Longhorn need some money. So they decide to rob a bank.
They rob the bank and then hear the cops coming, so they hide in the woods.
The Baylor Bear climbs into a tree, and when the cops come by, he shakes the branches and makes bird noises. The cops think it's just some birds, so they go on.
The Longhorn climbs into a tree and shakes the branches, and the cops think it's a squirrel, so they go on.
The Aggie climbs into a tree. The cops hear some rustling and they say, "What was that?"
And the Aggie goes, " Moo! Mooo!
2: [Number Theory for Aggie Wiles]
[a] The proud new Aggie said to his father at homecoming: " Did you know that there are three types of Aggies? Those who can count and those who can't."
[b] Have you heard about the Aggie kamikaze pilot? He flew 22 missions.
3: [Natural Aggies]
[a] Two Aggies go on a fishing trip. They rent all the equipment - the reels, the rods, the wading suits, the rowboat, the car, and even a cabin in the woods.
The first day they go fishing, but they don't catch anything. The same thing happens on the second day, and on the third day. It goes on like this until finally, on the last day of their vacation, one of the men catches a fish.
As they're driving home they're really depressed. One Aggie turns to the other and says, "Do you realize that this one lousy fish we caught cost us fifteen hundred bucks?"
The other Aggie says, "Wow! Then it's a good thing we didn't catch any more!"
[b] An Aggie decides to raise chickens. So, he goes to the feed store and buys some chicks. He takes the chicks home, and plants them with their heads sticking up. He waters them, but they die. He goes back to the feed store and tells the proprietor that he bought defective chicks, and gets another set. This time he plants them with their heads sticking down. He waters them, but they die. He then sends a letter to his Alma Mater, describing the problem. They send a letter back asking for a soil sample.
4 : [TechnoSavvy]
[a] Why does the new Aggie navy have glass bottomed boats? So they can see the old Aggie navy
[b] Two Aggies were flying across the Atlantic and decided they didn't have enough fuel to make it. So the pilot decided to lighten the load by jettisoning some fuel
[c] A group of Aggie aeronautical science students wanted to send a probe into the sun. Some UT students
said that the probe would burn up long before reaching the sun. The Aggies assured them they need not worry as the plan was to send the probe at night.
5: [The Life Erotic]
[a]Then there the Aggie that was hunting in the woods. He happened upon this beautiful woman laying naked in
the grass. He asked her, "Are you game?" The woman said "yes." So he shot her.
[b] How do Aggies practice safe sex? They get rid of all the cows that kick.
[c] At the end of the night, the Aggie turns to his girlfriend and asks, "Why is it everytime I go out with you, I end up
spending hundreds of dollars?" And she says, "Because I'm a whore."
[d] A Texas Tech graduate, a University of Texas grad and a Texas Aggie were sitting in a bar in San Antonio. The view of the river was fantastic, the beer was ice cold and the food exceptional. "But," said the guy from Tech, "I still prefer the beer joints back in Lubbock. There's one place where the owner goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy 4 beers, he will buy the 5th."
The Longhorn said "Well, at my local bar in Austin, the owner will buy your 3rd drink after you've bought 2."
"Hell, that's nothin'," the Aggie responded. "Back in College Station there's this bar where the moment you set foot in the place they'll buy you a drink and keep them coming all night. Then when you've had enough to drink, they take you upstairs and see that you get laid. And it's all on the house."
The Red Raider and the Longhorn immediately doubted the Aggie's claims.
"And this actually happened to you?" asked the Tech grad.
"No, not myself personally," admitted the Aggie. "But it did happen to my sister.
6: [Minds at Work]
[a] An Aggie went in to see his advisor, who said, "I want you to take history, math, and logic." "What's logic?" asked the Aggie. "Well," said the professor, "I'll give you an example. Do you own a Weed-eater?" "Why, yes, I do," replied the Aggie. "OK," continued the professor, "logic tells me that you have a yard!" "Amazing," gushed the young rube. "And," continued the professor, "since you have a yard, logic tells me that you have a house." "I do! I do!" exclaimed the boy. "And," continued the professor, "if you have a house, you probably have a wife. And, since you have a wife, I conclude that you are a heterosexual." "Gaaaa-lee!" said the Aggie. "That logic is sump'n else!"
He goes outside, and his friend, Buck, asks him what classes he's going to take. "I'm gonna take history, math, and logic." "What's logic?" asks Buck. "OK," says the Aggie, "I'll give you an example: Do you own a weed-eater?" "Uh, no," relies Buck.
The Aggie pauses a bit and says, "You're QUEER, ain'tcha".
[b] The Aggie who won a gold medal at the Olympics liked it so much that he decided to get it bronzed.
[c] Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M, recounting what he told a player who received four F's and one D:
"Son, looks to me like you're spending too much time on one subject."
Bell Bach to the Rat Race
A Neat Idea...well executed, apparently. But the author of the article spoils it with his whinegarotten.
a great job,
Bad Americans,
gringos locos,
Yet another study
Positively Simple Treason
When exactly did the "Voice of Britain" become the enemy of the British?
Al Quisling,
Don't Worry Be Happy,
From Planet Pepe,
Great Britain,
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Heavy Water Radio, April Fool's Show

This bootleg video was recorded at our last show on a Sunday afternoon at the AmVets in Bismarck. If you got five minutes (and some audio on your computer), check it out.
gringos locos,
North Dakota
Eataly; or...
...Contemporary Italia Harnesses 19th-Century French Les Halles, and Brings it all to America: When thinking of Italian cuisine, pizza is not something that comes to mind. It's popular ItaliAmerica. But not what I think of when thinking of all the wonderful Italian dishes that vary from region to region (even any idiot knows the incredible variety from the south to JJ's northern goat-chasing ranges). Still, it's probably a good marketing idea for this Atlantic article to begin with great pizza as symbolic of great Italian. But why not steak Florentine? Nevermind.
Let me know if you guys want this in your e-mail in-box. Speak up too, Pepe, and I'll fire it to JJ and he can forward it.
Here's kind of an Earthy excerpt: Though many of the goods at Eataly are organic, the greater emphasis is on shortening the distance from farm to market. Solving transport logistics took up a good deal of the three years of planning before Eataly opened. The extensive development was underwritten by Eataly’s founder and owner, Oscar Farinetti, a local entrepreneur made very good and a longtime fan of Slow Food. Signs throughout the market point out products that are in season, that come from close by, and that are protected by Slow Food. You can fill your completely biodegradable plastic shopping bag (it even has a use-by date, showing when it starts biodegrading) with artisanal food at prices comparable to those you would pay if you visited the food producer—and much lower than those at gourmet boutiques, previously the only other places you could count on finding it. This is fancy food—the rustic, carefully raised, simple stuff that costs a fortune these days (think of Whole Foods)—at prices nonfancy folk can afford.
Let me know if you guys want this in your e-mail in-box. Speak up too, Pepe, and I'll fire it to JJ and he can forward it.
Here's kind of an Earthy excerpt: Though many of the goods at Eataly are organic, the greater emphasis is on shortening the distance from farm to market. Solving transport logistics took up a good deal of the three years of planning before Eataly opened. The extensive development was underwritten by Eataly’s founder and owner, Oscar Farinetti, a local entrepreneur made very good and a longtime fan of Slow Food. Signs throughout the market point out products that are in season, that come from close by, and that are protected by Slow Food. You can fill your completely biodegradable plastic shopping bag (it even has a use-by date, showing when it starts biodegrading) with artisanal food at prices comparable to those you would pay if you visited the food producer—and much lower than those at gourmet boutiques, previously the only other places you could count on finding it. This is fancy food—the rustic, carefully raised, simple stuff that costs a fortune these days (think of Whole Foods)—at prices nonfancy folk can afford.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
McCain goes Shermanesque
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
..but you can leave your hijab on...
For the foreigners to get my ref. Hey, MFT, your band play this? You might get gigs in stripjoints.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
A Genuine Liberal Muslim goes Neocon on Pelosi's Ass
So, what are the odds the D of PP prefers such to his CAIRnucopia full of Saddams, Kadhafis, Bung Binnies and Mad Jads?
Mike Sends a Greeting to the D of PP
You know, a little message from the warrior to the armchair
a great job,
What's Coming to Planet Pepe
Dakotan Science Engineers a Better Love Doll
It is scary what a plainsman with time on his hands, sheep aplenty , and a little scientific savvy, can conjure up
When Will the Helpless Taleban Stop Beating up on the Helpless?
First the mighty helpless French commandos were beaten up by the Taleban, the survivors running for haven in Versailles. Now the more sturdy aid workers d'Enfance have proven to be helpless babes before the helpless Taleban. Hopeless and Helpless on Planet Pepe is Dada.
Great Satan Biofuel
One wonders where this story would be today, had the powers that be followed the neo-connard approach advocated here.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The Reality based community, eh?
School drill portrays killers as Christians
'We need to practice under conditions as real as possible,' says superintendent
Posted: April 3, 2007
5:40 p.m. Eastern
© 2007
School officials in Burlington, N.J., who wanted to stage a "hostage situation" drill have portrayed the attackers as Christians, including one who was upset that his daughter was expelled for praying before class.
Supt. Chris Manno praised the exercise to test the response of the school and police, explaining, "You perform as you practice. We need to practice under conditions as real as possible in order to evaluate our procedures and plans so that they're as effective as possible."
School drill portrays killers as Christians
'We need to practice under conditions as real as possible,' says superintendent
Posted: April 3, 2007
5:40 p.m. Eastern
© 2007
School officials in Burlington, N.J., who wanted to stage a "hostage situation" drill have portrayed the attackers as Christians, including one who was upset that his daughter was expelled for praying before class.
Supt. Chris Manno praised the exercise to test the response of the school and police, explaining, "You perform as you practice. We need to practice under conditions as real as possible in order to evaluate our procedures and plans so that they're as effective as possible."
Active and Passive in Tense times
As if Tawfik had shared bread with the D of PP: "Worst of all, perhaps, is the anti-Americanism among many Westerners. It is a resentment so strong, so deep-seated, so rooted in personal identity, that it has led many, consciously or unconsciously, to morally support America's enemies."
Fards For Allah,
Magnificent Muslims,
Not from Planet Pepe
Blowing Fards Worthy of Khalifah
So this is why they were so UnHizb over Danish Cartoons! "So the crime took place and the kuffar tightened their grip over the Islamic lands and tore it up into pieces....In place of a single Khilafah state they established cartoon state"
Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein SudenPark
So many questions: "How have we ended up like this? Was it not meant to be the most unreasonable elements of the Muslim faith that were Holocaust deniers? Are we to justify our capitulation by now suggesting a majority of Muslim youth believe the Holocaust to be an exaggeration?"
The author's answer? "Surely no"
Ah, but she has not read her D of PP ! Truth is a function of majority opinion, lassy. Never forget that if you wish to be allowed to live on Planet Pepe.
The author's answer? "Surely no"
Ah, but she has not read her D of PP ! Truth is a function of majority opinion, lassy. Never forget that if you wish to be allowed to live on Planet Pepe.
Yeah, iRan!
The pinkos are having a ball. OK, at least this is kind of funny (rather unusual, given the utter banality of the pinko mind).
The Detestable Ralph Peters is Spot On
John Bull has been cowed. By a pack of unshaven thugs. And the Britannia that ruled the waves is waving goodbye.
Soon, JJ will fly the friendly Russkie skies
And share a bottle or three of Stoly with the Russian pilots. Goes well with pasta ai vongoli. Vrooom!
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