Sunday, June 03, 2007

Oh, but why do they hate us so ?

across the rio grande


Tecumseh said...

Some people just love to wallow in blind hatred. So what? Is there a point somewhere in that typically lefty question -- one they learn to ask in Indoctrination 101 in what passes for college education for them?

Arelcao Akleos said...

it would be more interesting for Pepe to explain his hatred of Ricains, Free Societies, and anyone who refuses to play dhimmi

Tecumseh said...

This is standard modus operandi for Euro-weenies. They get indoctrinated in school, and, except for the really smart ones, they never question the imparted dogma (unlike the likes of Hirsi Ali). Lefty dogma is akin to Islam -- questioning even the smallest tenet is apostasy.

So, AA, son't be too hard on PP, he's simply prisoner of an ancient belief system (from circa 1848), he simply cannot comprehend anything beyond the parameters he's been trained to operate within. And, of course, it's not just him, there are many more out there thinking and acting exactly the same -- like in that "1984" classic ad for the Mac.

It's all a question of lemmings and gerbils.

Pepe le Pew said...

it would be more interesting for Pepe to explain his hatred of Ricains,
no such thing, but you do understand the Mexican's don't you?

Pepe le Pew said...

questioning even the smallest tenet is apostasy.
So, AA, son't be too hard on PP, he's simply prisoner of an ancient belief systemhe (...) simply cannot comprehend anything beyond the parameters he's been trained to operate within.

although he voted for sarko against royal ?