Sunday, June 03, 2007

Trinidadian Molotov cocktails

a plot to destroy John F. Kennedy International Airport, kill thousands of people and trigger an economic catastrophe by blowing up a jet fuel artery that runs through populous residential neighborhoods
Ah, just of bunch of youths playing with matches. No big deal, just MoveOn. Anything else would be discrimination and Neanderthal paranoia.

“Anytime you hit Kennedy, it is the most hurtful thing to the United States. They love John F. Kennedy like he’s the man ... It’s like you can kill the man twice.”
Aahhh, the cuddly wetdreams they have in Pepeland! Music to the ear of gauchistes everywhere.

The men tried to reach out to a Trinidadian radical Muslim group, Jamaat al Muslimeen, which launched an unsuccessful rebellion in 1990 that left 24 dead.
Surely this must be some Japanese death cult, says the D of PP, in his infinite wisdom.


Tecumseh said...

Wasn't JJ in that train a few days ago, running by those same jet fuel tanks? Ah, well, says PP, "but why do they hate us so"? Meaning (when translated into plain English), so what if they kill thousands (perhaps even one of us) -- we are all little Eichmanns, as the pinko-Lefties love to say -- so it's all justified. Yes, Pepe?

Pepe le Pew said...

1 1/4 billion angry muslims can't all be wrong, ai. i say you, aa & mostly jj should all be blown up to smithereens.

with that in perspective, there have been several "terror alerts" who fizzled to nothing more than bravado on the part of some dead-ender in lack of media attention and eagerly recouped by an administration always anxious to lure an increasingly skeptical public into the notion that it is doing something effective about terror. In this case, last i read, they were in the "planning stage". it is premature to think that this amounted to a substantial threat: I too have been planning to rob fort knox of all its gold. any day now.

Tecumseh said...

King of non-sequitur, fallacious reasoning, assorted sophistries, and inner contradictions -- thy name is PP.

(1) The question is not whether 10^5 or 10^6 or 1.25*10^9 muslims are angry -- the question is I don't want them to blow me (and others) up, and wtf to do about it, besides the default pinko-Frenchy solution, which is, abject surrender.

(2) Even your random 4-year old could see the difference between RoPers planning to blow up JFK with support from AQ network and your pseudo-fantasies about Fort Knox.

(3) It always amuses to see the fundamental contradiction of the gauchiste "arguments" --a result of their feeble mind, atrophied by gaga, jejeune, look-alike group-think, never challenged by logical thinking, no doubt. That is, on one hand they oppose any and all military action to confront external threats, saying that all we need is police action (a view promulgated ad nauseam by Jean Francois Kerry, and his ideological clones). But then when successful police action occurs, they pooh-pooh it as insignificant.

If this was a class, I would give a D-, just for JJ's sake, who pleaded with me last night to be more lenient. JJ is going soft, you see, and I am a pushover when it comes to grading, as JJ can attest.

Pepe le Pew said...

ai, given your chronic inability to make any argument besides generalizations on the mode of "it's just how pinko-lefties are", how do you see yourself in the position of "giving grades" on matters relating to logic?