Tuesday, December 11, 2007

God and Moroni at Yale

WFBuckley's Hemorrhoids have taken over his mind...


Tecumseh said...

Unlike some other candidates in the race, Romney is a full-spectrum conservative: a supporter of free-market economics and limited government, moral causes such as the right to life and the preservation of marriage, and a foreign policy based on the national interest. While he has not talked much about the importance of resisting ethnic balkanization

Hey, hey, hey -- what's wrong with the Balkans? Too much palinka for Bills' hemorrhoids?

Seriously, though, I think Mitt is worth considering. He didn't bother me when he was Governor -- that's a pretty darn good endorsement I can offer.

Tecumseh said...

Since almost all of the candidates have the same foreign-policy principles, what matters most is which candidate has the skills to execute that vision.

Put that in your pipe, and smoke it, JJ. Powwwww!!!

My Frontier Thesis said...

You know how many Mormon street encounters each and everyone of us on a daily basis is going to have if Mitt is elected?...

You thinking about converting AI?

Mr roT said...

Execute the mission, AI? You still miss Rumsfeld.

Tecumseh said...

Actually, I never met a Mormon in my life -- or maybe I did, but it wasn't clear to me. How do they look like? They all like Mitt?

My Frontier Thesis said...

When Mormon "elders" (about 21 and 22 year old males, respectively) go on their proselytizing missions, they wear khakis/slacks, a white collared dress shirt, a black tie (I don't know if they wear any other color), a little name tag on their breast pocket that says, "Elder AA/[insert name here]," casual dress shoes, and a backpack. They are always smiling, too, and they have strange pictures that portray Joseph Smith as Herculean, his massive forearms pulling the sacred Book of Mormon out of a tree or something.

Mr roT said...

Misguided nuttos were hilarious while I was in France. Standing on street corners to convince Frenchies to give up coffee and wine just for polygamy.

Gimme planet Pepe any day.