Sunday, December 30, 2007

Shut down the pissing boy!

So how do Pepe's cousins respond to the Binnie Boyz coming to get them? (1) Let them out of jail after one day. (2) Impose curfew at 6 pm on New Year's Eve. Way to go, Planet Pepe!


My Frontier Thesis said...

Belgians might consider heading southeast to drink away their problems with Luxembourg. Perhaps JJ is routing through there too?

And we haven't heard from the Spinoza of Vancouver, B.C. lately. Is AA going to flee that Pac-NW bay much the way Spinoza's family had to flee religious persecution in Portugal?

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of which, perhaps this is the time to remember the defeat of the Portuguese in the Portuguese-Indian War, 46 years ago. What a clash of titans!

Air defense was limited to a few obsolete anti aircraft guns manned by two artillery units who had been smuggled into Goa disguised as soccer teams. TIME magazine carried a report on the conflict where it mentioned that if Goa was attacked, Great Britain was duty bound by a 600 year old treaty to assist the Portuguese with "troops, archers, slingers, galleys sufficiently armed for war." However no offer was made by any nation to provide military assistance for the defense of Goa.

Ah, perfidious Albion! Let's have some vinho verde. to drown our sorrows.

My Frontier Thesis said...

British long-bows can be rather devastating, but it's particular to French knights.

Probably good that India got it back (Orwell would likely agree; although object to Ghandi-style diplomacy -- Ghandi was a pussy).

This is all very significant, even today: Colonialism is used today to argue against the integration of Muslim immigrants when they arrive in western Europe. Western Europeans continue to feel bad about WWII, about Nationalism, about stuff today's generation had no control over. To compensate (and according to Somali and atheist, Ayaan Hirsi Ali), western European governments allow Muslim communities to form without any effort at integration or assimilation. The politicians think they are being empathetic, but what about the adolescent female circumcision that goes on within these Islamic communities living on western European soil?

Ayaan (a Muslim gone atheist) discusses it all with sobering clarity in Infidel.

Anonymous said...
