Monday, December 10, 2007

Kissing carcass-eaters

It's oh so gross, say the birkenstocked vegans. How about some ribs at Redbones, would they find that appetizing?


My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, a while back you asked about any other good recommendations for books on WWII (in regards to Norman Mailer, "The Naked and the Dead").

Check this out.

My Frontier Thesis said...

In regards to this post: the vegans say one thing on paper, but when it comes right down to that trendy hippie chick, she absolutely loves the primitive, carnivore/omnivore rebel.

Tell them you're anthropocentric, and don't believe in their strictly salad diet. Besides, they are impeding frontal-lobe development with their anti-protein eating ways. And they need to get washed down with a fire-hose more than twice a year, or just move to Berkeley.

Mr roT said...

do they suck la banana?