Saturday, May 17, 2008

Aahhh, the French women

The French woman "is in nearly all respects, as different as possible from the average American woman," Edith Wharton wrote. "Is it because she dresses better, or knows more about cooking, or is more 'coquettish,' or more 'feminine,' or more emotional, or more 'immoral'? The real reason is not nearly as flattering to our national vanity. It is simply that the French woman is more grown-up. Compared with the women of France the average American woman is still in kindergarten."


My Frontier Thesis said...

The incessant giggling of a blonde-haired California valley girl or the cynicism and — ahem — sophistication (pseudo or otherwise) of a French woman: in the end, as the Hitch says, women try too hard when they already have what men want.

Tecumseh said...

Sounds like a good quote from the Hitch -- where can one find it?

Mr roT said...

the best observation in all this is the authoress of the picture illustrating this post.