Friday, May 23, 2008

Tecumseh still kicking ass


Mr roT said...

Planet Pepe attempts to usurp.
Success has a thousand fathers...

Tecumseh said...

This is so funny! The non-Kaus guy, with that whiny-pinko voice out of Central casting, must be Pepe's alter ego, though he's making an effort to think a little out of the box -- something Pepe will never do, at least when it comes to US foreign policy. At any rate, yes, maybe this is a sign that some pinkos are starting to get nervous about the box BHO has dug himself (and themselves) into, and are trying to gain some room to maneuver. Well, maybe that's not so bad -- I'm all for seeing more sanity/maturity in these debates. Though I doubt we'll see much of that.

Mr roT said...

It worries me, AI. They will try to sound reasonable for the election and then if elected go and become Jimmy Carter. I would much prefer that Kaus not let Central Casting Pinko (wow, what a label!) see the big board.

I wouldn't think they could produce coherent strategy--electoral or other--on their own.

Tecumseh said...

Some of these guys are pretty smart, and they can talk the talk (with forked tongues). But Jimmah at least had a degree in nukelar physics or something, and was growing peanuts. Obama & co just talk. If they get power, there will be no prior experience besides talking.

Mr roT said...

AI, I am not sure which is worse.

Pepe le Pew said...

The Iraqi war is no exception. The brilliant and rapid invasion of Iraq in March and April 2003 required accomplished artillery and armor commanders.

The pathetic sight of a grizzly gloating over his trouncing of an arthritic rabbit.

Arelcao Akleos said...

With Vichy, its Lapin all the way down.