Monday, October 27, 2008

Bidet's Follies

Taranto hilarious today.


Tecumseh said...

Hilarious -- yes, but in a gallows humor sort of way.
Paul Yerkey: What I think is most interesting about Biden's statement is the megalomania that it reveals. First, Biden says that whatever happens will be done to test Obama. Clearly, the effect on the United States or our allies is less important than the effect it will have on Obama. Second, Biden assumes that Obama will have a response that is both unpopular and correct. That combination reveals an astounding conceit. Making an unpopular decision and sticking to it can be an example of courage. Assuming before the facts are known that you will make an unpopular decision and still be right can only mean that you assume that you are smarter than everyone else.

Don't they have a higher IQ than anyone else? After all these years, I still keep being amazed by all the hubris of the pinko mind. Just because they have absorbed some tidbits of pidgin Marxism and barely digested kindergarten lefty dogma, they think they are of a select, all-knowing vanguard.

But perhaps this is why pinko dogma survives and thrives through the ages: it offers the ticket to nullities like Joe Biden to pump up and inflate their egos, like the frog in Aesop's fable.

Tecumseh said...

Roger Johnson: In a near reprise of events in 1962, China moves nuclear missiles and bombers into Cuba, then begins threatening actions against Taiwan. Tensions build. China offers to remove the missiles in Cuba if the United States withdraws the Seventh Fleet to Japan. President Obama complies. China invades Taiwan. The missiles remain in Cuba.

And Pepe ululates.

Tecumseh said...

JJ: Nedra Pickler? Hmmm... Didn't we talk about that a few days ago?

Mr roT said...

I'm in enough of a pickle already... Who gets the VCP is the deep question.