Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cute experiment


Mr roT said...

Funny. Been talking about Miller's expt lately. About this article: if this expt was important (as it seems to be) it should have been repeated occasionally, with better and better techniques (gas chrom and mass spec) so this shouldn't be news.

Unless it is news that people in Bio are idiots.

Arelcao Akleos said...

AI, you owe me a Budweiser Ale, or two. This stuff was posted by me a few days back ""

Tecumseh said...

Ouch! That one flew by me. OK, I'll buy you a Miller, or two. What happened, I wrote to you a week or so ago, but no response. Maybe you changed your email address?

Mr roT said...

AA doesn't answer email or cell or phone. He's too busy seething.

Arelcao Akleos said...

AI, I did find yesterday your e-mail. But it is the address I only check once a week. So I guess I blew it, sorry!
Let me send you a message to your account with the one that is my mainstay. We really have to have a pre-election drink or two. Say Saturday? Anyway, check your e-mail.

Arelcao Akleos said...

JJ, one can Seethe and Swill Small Beer at the same time.
It's only by the Gulf that one is limited to going one step at a time.