Monday, October 27, 2008

Powww! Canadian torpedo!


My Frontier Thesis said...

I attended one of George W. Bush's first presidential campaign rally, and recall a prompter saying "We're gonna go to D.C. and rip the IRS out of the ground by its roots, and go to a Flat Tax if Bush is elected!"

That point must've been lost in the last 8 years, or perhaps there are things said by both candidates during a campaign to keep support from their hard-line base. ...perhaps...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Except, MFT, anyone who gave even a cursory look at Georgie's "ouevre" as Governor of Texas, and who his longtime associates were, would have noted that the history of the guy pointed to something very very different than the kind of Politico who would even consider the Flat Tax [beyond other than to reject it]. In other words, the evidence was completely against what that guy was barking on.
I suggest that the case of Obama is the precise opposite. All the evidence points to a longheld belief in, and alliance with those who share those beliefs, a radical and Socialist restructuring of this nation. One, for example, where the Constitution is just an irritant from the past which was written by folks to unHarvardian to "get it" as to what Government is all about, too troglodytish to riff Marx before there was Marx [as well as many other things].
The man you heard at the campaign was hoping you would not know about Bush's past. And so would think him far more radical than he really was. Today the Obama campaign is hoping you do not know about his past. And so think him far less radical than he really is.
Everything dies, in time. In the Ayers to come, so will this nation. Lincoln's Union nearly vanished a century and a half ago, and in giving it continued life the means for a world that is far better than it would have otherwise been was sustained. Let the world revel, then, in the disappearance of the American Union. Let the rights of mankind perish, and Socialism and God make their covenant of blood.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, sometimes things gotta hit absolute rock bottom — being, in this case, Full Blown Socialism — before the majority comes to their senses.

Or, to quote Norman Mailer: "There is no greater importance in all the world like knowing you are right and that the wave of the world is wrong, yet the wave crashes upon you."

Norman Mailer, Armies of the Night