Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Agent of change or agent of h8


Tecumseh said...

Joe Klein has Herr Rot tagged:

Teabaggers .  .  . are primarily working-class, largely rural, and elderly white people .  .  . freaked by the economy .  .  . also freaked by the government spending .  .  . that was necessary to avoid a financial collapse. (I'm not sure Keynes is taught in very many American high schools.) But most of all, they are freaked by an amorphous feeling that the America they imagined they were living in--Sarah Palin's fantasy America--is a different place now, changing for the worse, overrun by furriners of all sorts: Latinos, South Asians, East Asians, homosexuals .  .  . to say nothing of liberated, uppity, blacks.

Tecumseh said...

I thought Joe Klein is calling you a Sarah Palin groupie.

Mr roT said...

I have some Sarah fantasies.

Tecumseh said...

Eat those wienerschnitzels. With mashed potatoes. Sehr gutt.