Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Evil genius Rove is dyspeptic

RWNs divided. I'm with the Krautman. You with Allah, Tecs?


Tecumseh said...

Wow. Karl Rove is on a tear. He sums up very well what happened after the PTEN bomb almost exploded on that plane: (1) don't declare the bomber an enemy combatant, but rather, an alleged this and that, and get him a lawyer on our dime, so he can clam up and take the 5th or something, (2) start frisking babies at check-in, and making plane rides even more uncomfortable and painful, (3) saying all is swell and the system worked, and (4) if something didn't work, IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!!!

Does this just about sum it up?

Mr roT said...

You forgot the part about dumping more OJ on you. Also you missed the debatelet at HotAir. I think Allah is trying to provoke people.

Mr roT said...

Also, it's PETN, not what you wrote, likely reminiscing about old Bob Guccione publications.

A third spelling would be VCP. Still incorrect, but morally more in the right than your contribution.

Fomenkism. Diagonable. PETN.


Tecumseh said...

PTEN=PETN: it's commutative, Herr Straman.

Kraut: Yes, I listened to the tape now. Got it: flaccid. Well, duh. Blindingly obvious. What else is to say?

Mr roT said...

Allah says there's a lack of nuance there.

Tecumseh said...

Right. Nuance. That's what we desperately need right now.