Wednesday, December 30, 2009

For now we see through a glass, darkly

Barack Obama saw all that. So he gave the crowds what they wanted: promises of vetoes of wasteful spending, no more lobbyists, an honest Congress for once, financial sobriety, and no more red-state/blue-state, at-your-throat politics. For millions of believers, Obama was to be our version of Truman or Eisenhower — centrist competence, but spiced up with 21st-century postracial pizzazz. The people took Obama at his word, and here we are a year later with the largest drop in popularity of a first-year president in poll-taking history. ... I think it is a fair generalization to say that both the Right and the Left agree that Obama ran as a moderate in order to move America sharply to the left. The former calls it perfidy; the latter, necessary politics to achieve the desired ends.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.


Tecumseh said...

It's also Plato's fault: In such a vision of the blessed, a Platonic guardian class — so much better educated, better intentioned, better motivated than the rest of us — will direct our lives and yet be exempt from the constraints they place on the less capable.

Mr roT said...

VDH is trying to win the gloomathon. Pretty damned good.

He's right about Plato. Ever read the Republic? Must've been a joke or a nightmare.

Tecumseh said...

I must confess, I never read Plato, just thought about his solids. But I know some pinkos trace their lineage all the way to the Republic. Why is that?

Mr roT said...

Philosopher king. I read the thing and thought it was pretty fun. Recommended. Phil type friends of mine were convinced it was a Platonic put-on. AA disagrees, but he's nuts, as you know.