Wednesday, December 30, 2009

(Self-gelding)^4 and his district

Beautiful country down there. Tidelands. Salt air. Oysters. Wacko nutsack shithead RINOs.


Tecumseh said...

Sounds like a beaut. Hey, how come you never invited me to go down there?

Tecumseh said...

You wanted me to fly to Houston (or was it Dallas), and then schlepp around by Greyhound or something for a dozen hours till getting there. Why don't they have TGV in Texas?

Mr roT said...

You could row if you weren't such a wuss.

Tecumseh said...

Row from Dallas-Fort Worth to the Rio Grande? On what body of water?

Mr roT said...

Houston to CC, Prof Magellan.

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, right, but then one still has to trek through miles of pampas.

When are you gonna get a driver's license, and start driving a Ferrari?

Mr roT said...

When my stimulus check comes in. Duh.