Monday, December 28, 2009

From Gitmo to the "art therapy rehabilitation program"

Which, translated into plain English, means training and supplying Abdul with PETN-lined underwear. That's artsy-fartsy!


Tecumseh said...

WaPo goes Cheneyesque.

Mr roT said...

It's called Islamic crocheting, Tecs. So goddamned insensitive you crusaders.

Mr roT said...

Failing the laugh test indeed.

I wonder why DeMint is holding up Obamarama's TSA chief. My feeling is that the guy is up to his ass in commie sympathy and having him in would be worse than out.

Tecumseh said...

Naah. TSA guy is probably OK. I think the issue here is the unionization drive -- DeMint is worried it's gonna give veto power to union bosses on which security measure actually do get implemented. So he wants to grill Southers, to get some assurances that won't happen. At least, that's my reading.

At any rate, time to get going, and deal with this. Too much bickering, not enough action. Do something, anything, Herr Rot, willya?

Mr roT said...

Hunkered down in Rome with a case of Ripasso. You think I want to go anywhere?

Tecumseh said...

What is Ripasso? Some kind of wop gros rouge?

Mr roT said...

Stay ignurnt. Keep prices down to astronomical.