Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our tax dollars hard at work


Tecumseh said...

Pepe comments at Huffpo: You need deep pockets to come up with that cash and the only people I know who have that are the people that benefited from those attacks; the Republicans! Make them pay for it, Cheney/bush/condi/rumy, they got alot off cake exploiting 911.

Tecumseh said...

VDH predicts the KSM circus will be put on the back-burner indefinitely, and we'll see a turnaround in attitude: Demonizing Bush as the architect of an unnecessary counterterrorism response in the present climate is nothing short of a political boomerang.

Logically, it makes sense. But don't forget, this is Pepean logic at work, not Cartesian logic. So what are the odds of any of this happening?

Mr roT said...

1) Wonderful, but there are better.Peter007

I have heard from reliable sources that this guy is innocent and he is being set up by the FBI. The government doesn't have any evidence.

Mr roT said...

VDH is saying x=x at this point. Everyone is opposed. Abdnechanezzar in Detroit has reminded the rubes that the terror meme invented by Cheney and Rumsfeld exists and is more profitable for Halliburton.

Obama and Feingold are getting money out the backdoor from GE and Blackwater.

The Jews have the whole thing locked up.

Tecumseh said...

It's all a conspiracy. Of dunces.

Mr roT said...
